Jesus died on a stake?

by SwedishChef 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SwedishChef

    You've got to love the Watchtower. They must think that the general population has no Bible available to it. While scrolling through a list of their beliefs on the Official site, there was one that really caught my eye because of its sheer ludicrousness. It says "Jesus died on a stake not a cross." Any of you JWs care to explain this?

    Edited by - SwedishChef on 15 January 2003 22:7:25

  • Jourles

    Here is somewhat of a description of why the WTS uses a stake. It is more of a "nails" letter though... Pics of the WTS service department are shown too.

  • SwedishChef

    Thanks for your response.

    As far as I'm concerned, they will never be able to explain this one away. Maybe the WTS should use the what the Bible says - a cross. After all, the Bible referrs to the cross 28 times and gives a detailed account of the crucifixion in the four Gospels. Not to mention it was the main form of Roman capital punishment at the time. I have no idea where the WTS is coming from.

    Edited by - SwedishChef on 15 January 2003 22:27:19

  • expatbrit

    In fact Jesus died on a steak. As a punishment, this was rare. That is why he gained the heavenly "well done".


  • Ed

    Not trying to defend the WT or anything, but what I don't understand about the whole "plural nails = cross" argument is this: What's to stop them from using more than one nail on a stake?

  • Robdar

    When I was in, the argument was that Jehovah would never allow his son to die on such a filthy pagan sex symbol as the cross. As if a cross is more of a phallic symbol than an upright, stiff, wooden stake. (Impale me baby) It was laughable then, it's laughable now.


  • Mac

    I'm dying for a steak!!!!!!!!!!

    mac, of the it must be snack time class

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I'd like to say, not for the desire to slight jwism, but rather as a pragmatic look, that it amazes me how jwism has chosen to accept a stake rather than a cross - the symbolism is awesome. No breadth in this symbol - it's as wide as one's own stake.


    Edited by - a paduan on 16 January 2003 1:49:22

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Jesus DID die on a steak. It was a t bone.

  • TresHappy

    The WT just doesn't get it. Jesus died on the cross, nuff said.

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