OK. i called the p.o. and smoothed (pressured) him over, he will be here at noon saturday... my brother and I have worked him over on the phone , and he already admitts he can't prove jesus choose the wt in 1919 etc etc...as he can't get the older wt's.... so he's speaking presumptuously...... i did a little studying today , and he is in BIG trouble... we will keep him on the subject, at all costs... and the subject will be FALSE PROPHECIES OF THE WT... i have decided to just wing it, and throw out all kinds wt rotten food.... Mike is hot over here and i'm quite sure we can have his head spinning in short order.... we are going to hit the FINISHED MYSTERY BOOK hard... but i am open for any ideas to put the last nail in his coffin....john
study set with p.o. 1-18-03 at high NOON
by johnny cip 26 Replies latest jw friends
My guess is he wont stay long :)
Predicted outcome: You're wrong because the Society says so and you'll be disfellowshipped.
After a fair trial in the Fuerher's court, you will be shot
This will most likely be the shortest study in history.
Don't make that little hamster run too fast in that cage....
Hi jonny cip Ask Him about`````````
Why the change in Voting ? they may now enter voting booth
in private, & do whatever their heart tells them to do.
Why they don't have to say their prayers in JESUS name anymore ?
Ask for proof from the Bible, I thought he died for the whole world,
since that is what the Bible plainly stats, many times over.
Watch him wiggle. You can do this i'm sure.
Please let us know the outcome.
Thanks------------- Searchin50
Guess we could make bets on rather or not he will show up. I'm betting he won't, but it he does you sound as if you are ready for him. To make your points, quote generously from the WT publications. This may work to some extent, but I suspect he will then talk about the light shining brighter. Bug
Can you please record the whole meeting for us
I don't know if you've got this site, but here is the URL for your use tomorrow
Strictly from the horse's mouth, the JWs own publications. Wish I could be there and will be in spirit.
Johnny - good luck with your "study". Keep your powder dry and save a few rounds for another visit.
Searchin' wrote: Why they don't have to say their prayers in JESUS name anymore
When did they come up with that change? I try to keep up with news on the board, but I missed that one somehow.
If this has been discussed before in a thread -can someone point the way?
johnny cip
yes he will show> we found his # in the phone book and after he didn't show last week we have been working him all week we worked the kh here for a year. i think i have his EAR... or it will be a showdown either way he looses.. my brother or i have never been jw's but dad is, so we know all the wt JIVE..... SERCHIN 50 i know about the voting thing.... thanx i may try use that with the blood case from canada you know freedom of conscience.. how the wt will deleted you in court if go against them.... thanx about the prayers thing i didn't know that... but i will bring up the baptism to the wt shit... it will be a blow out i've already twisted him in knots when he shows us a bible verse.... hope he beings the c.o. like he said..... if he don't show we will stop at his house... and he knows it!!! the whole point is when we go to the hall or when we work the jw's here in the street he calls us liars, so when we straighten him out he will not be honestly able to tell other jw's to my face i don't know what i'm talking about... it will be the opposite he will have to say he can't prove that jesus choose the wt in 1919 . as i've told him that will be the study, if it lasts 10 minutes or 10 months. john
Edited by - Englishman on 18 January 2003 5:13:26