As many of you would know, The 2300 days of Daniel In Daniel chapter 8 verse 14 have been a significant prophetic period in Watchtower history. Pastor Russell held certain interpretations of them. Later abandoned. But the REINTERPRETATION of Daniel 8 verse 14 has been going on into much more recent times. As the quotes below demonstrate ..
An Organizational book studied at the Bookstudy : YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH (1958) Chapter 9. Subheading THE TRANSGRESSION THAT MAKES DESOLATION. Talking about the 2300 Days of Daniel. It Points out when the 2300 days commenced:
QUOTE. The convention opened on Tuesday, May 25, 1926, and continued through the following Monday, May 31. Friday afternoon,.. the Society's president submitted to the convention a Resolution entitled "A Testimony to the Rulers of the World.".The fifth clause of the Resolution then said that "contrary to the Word of God the commercial, political and ecclesiastical rulers attempted to stabilize the world and keep the peoples under control by adopting that makeshift which is called the League of Nations and which was wrongfully and blasphemously hailed as the political expression of God's kingdom on earth; that the real author and father of the League of Nations compact is Satan the Devil. Not only was this Resolution enthusiastically adopted by the convention of Jehovah's saintly people that Friday, but the following Sunday night it was submitted to a public audience that packed out the Royal Albert Hall the vast audience rose solidly in expressing itself in favor of God's government just described.. Next day, except for the full page devoted by the Daily News to reporting the Resolution and the public address, the London newspapers hushed up the biggest, most important news of the times. Still reprints of the full page of the Daily News of May 31, 1926, were widely circulated, and the Resolution was published around the earth. The Testimony was served upon the nations of the earth..
This ignoring, by the Anglo American power of The Judges proclamation amounted to a transgression, and commenced the 2300 days May 25 th 1926. as the book says about this horrible TRANSGRESSION:
QUOTE.A "transgression" against God, a "transgression that makes desolate," that appalls and astonishes all who long and pray for God's promised kingdom of his Christ. What disgusting conduct on the part of the worldly nations!..
May God forgive them!! The British and American Government ignoring Judge Rutherfords public talk sure had dramatic affects. Shame they didnt listen. Anyway, when then did the 2300 days end? Thats easy to work out, The book continues:
QUOTE..Count now from the beginning of this International Convention of London on May 25, 1926, and we shall find that the 2,300 days of evenings and mornings bring us to October 15, 1932.. How was Jehovah's "sanctuary" cleansed, vindicated or restored to its rightful state by that date? Examine the official journal of Jehovah's witnesses, The Watchtower, as of that date. Note page 319. That page sets out the Resolution adopted by the New York company of Jehovah's witnesses on October 5, 1932. It called for a cleansing of the congregational organization, a restoring of it to the rightful state of Jehovah's sanctuary class. How? By the ridding of the organization of "elective elders," or elders that had been elected to the office of eldership by the stretching out of the hands of the members of the congregation in a popular or democratic election, after the political style of the ancient Greek states and the democratic Anglo-American dual world power .
So the October 15, 1932 Watchtower carried a resolution calling for the end to elected elders and this ended the 2300 days, a stunning organizational proof , conclusive evidence that Jehovah himself caused that ARTICLE to be PUBLISHED in that issue of the WT!! Bringing the Org back into right condition. Amazing stuff.
Now read this from the WATCHTOWER of December 1, 1971. Article- WHAT ITS RIGHT CONDITION MEANS FOR US TODAY.
Actually,an aside for a moment, heres an interesting little quote from paragraph 2 of the article. Just caught my eye:
QUOTEIn the spring of 1919 Jehovah God revived them from their prostrate spiritual condition and regathered them for courageous, open worship at his sanctuary. Once again publicly they took up preaching the good news of God's kingdom as foretold in Matthew 24:14..
In 1919 they RECOMMENCED the World wide Preaching work huh? I didnt know that one. Anyway, back to the subject of the 2300 days. This article says the 2300 days of Daniel commenced sometime between June 1 and June 15, 1938. The writer doesnt seem certain EXACTLY when!
QUOTE In the June 1, 1938, issue of The Watchtower appeared the first part of the article entitled "Organization." It was thrilling for worshipers at Jehovah's sanctuary to read these sentences of the opening paragraph: "Jehovah's organization is in no wise democratic. Jehovah is supreme, and his government or organization is strictly theocratic. This conclusion is not open to successful contradiction."
Ill bet they were thrilled to bits to read that and burst into thunderous and spontaneous applause. Anyway, thats the EVIDENCE that the 2300 days commenced June 1. There was also EVIDENCE they commenced on June 15, 1938:
QUOTE..The June 15, 1938, issue of The Watchtower published the second part of "Organization," and it set out a resolution for adoption by the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses, the opening paragraph of which said: "We, the company of God's people taken out for his name, and now at .___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___.___, recognize that God's government is a pure theocracy and that Christ Jesus is at the temple and in full charge and control of the visible organization of Jehovah, as well as the invisible." (Page 182) This called for appointment theocratically, from the top down, for all officiating servants in all congregations..
Now if the 2300 days commence ABOUT those dates , when ABOUT do they conclude? The article continues:
QUOTE.If we thus count from the critical period when theocratic organization was being more fully installed in the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses, when did the 2,300 days end?.. Remember, this is a prophetic period. So a prophetic year of 360 days is involved. (Rev. 11:2, 3; 12:6, 14) So 2,300 days would amount to six lunar years, four lunar months and twenty days. That amount of time counted from Sivan 2 (June 1), 1938, would end on Tishri 21 (October 8), 1944, or, counted from Sivan 16 (June 15), 1938, it would end on Heshvan 5 (October 22), 1944...
So they concluded ABOUT October 8 to 22 in 1944. And what Stunning Organizational LANDMARK event occurred in October 1944 to PROVE that the 2300 Days ended then? :
QUOTE..Nicely timed, though the anointed remnant was then not aware of it, came the publication of the leading article entitled "Organized for Final Work" in the October 15, 1944, issue of The Watchtower. Right on its heels, in the November 1 issue came the leading article announcing "Theocratic Organization in Action." Under appropriate subheadings this article discussed "President," .Servant," . "Governing Body," In the article that followed the above, in the same issue of The Watchtower, namely, "The Theocratic Alignment Today," paragraph 3 said: "The visible governing body of the Theocratic organization is and must be appointed only by Jehovah God the Supreme Ruler, and Christ Jesus the Head of His church. Its purpose is to issue directions and spiritual provisions to all God's people. Acting in harmony with the governing body, all the Theocratic organization and its associates act in unity throughout the earth."..
Amazing. The former landmark Watchtower event calling for the ceasing of democratically elected elders has now been superceded by another LANDMARK event. The publishing of an article mentioning the term GOVERNING BODY. Surely this 1944 Article is the famous article which caused Jehovahs Organization to BEGIN to speak about a GOVERNING BODY. Which GOVERNING BODY, incidentally, wasnt officially created and inaugurated until 1971. Isnt PRESENT TRUTH wonderful? It is not dogmatic like humanistic science, because it changes and shifts as revelation is opened up to understanding by a beneficent God.