WARNING.....demon attached to object?

by JNS2 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • JNS2

    After all the years of having it drilled in my head that demons could attach themselves to an object I now wonder: is that just more JW bull****? Am I still reacting to the years of brainwashing or is there really a concern about what one brings into their home?

    Anybody have any thoughts on this?????

  • freedom96

    Me personally, would never bring anything into the house that I felt was occult related, whether or not I was a witness. But to assume that just because someone was a "wordly" person therefore their belongings were possibly demonic is just plain stupid.

  • gsx1138

    I have Pentagrams, a Buddha statue, an obelisk to Isis, copper statues of the triple Goddess, among other smaller trinkets. Guess what? No demons here not even a mouse. Also realize it took me 10 years to get that JW crap out of my head. Wiccans believe that if you name something you give it form, whether physical or psychological. Call everything the work of Demons and they'll be given form within your own mind.

    edited for: my horrible spelling

    Edited by - gsx1138 on 18 January 2003 13:10:28

  • Dawn

    After reading the bible for quite some time WITHOUT the help of the WT materials to cloud it all up - it's clear to me that demons are not attached to inanimate objects. It would be quite hard to fight a battle (as portrayed in Daniel) if you were stuck to a rubic cube.

    I think it's all just scare tactics - and a lot of it is simple human hysteria. How much of the old "posessions" could be now explained by modern medicine - schizophrenia, night terrors, etc.

    I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about demons. Just focus on your heart and your future.

  • Ed

    I can't say whether it's BS or not, but the idea didn't originate with the JWs. As long as people have believed in spirits, they have connected them with physical objects. The genie in the lamp, and all that.

  • Realist

    since demons DO NOT exist its kind of pointless to discuss if they can attach themself to something!

  • Aztec

    Demons are a myth. People in ancient times needed something to explain natural and frightening phenomena.


  • Blueblades

    Check out "Jehovah's Witnesses & the HOUR of DARKNESS" by Derek Barefoot.You just might find that demon attached to objects is prevalent in the literature of the Society. Blueblades

  • Silverleaf

    is that just more JW bull****?

    Yes. Very much so. As a Pagan I don't believe in demons or Satan, but I do believe in negative energy. I buy a lot of things at garage sales and flea markets and if they are to be used in any spiritual setting I do a cleansing ritual on them, not to scare away evil entities, but to clean the slate for positive energy.


  • JNS2

    Blueblades, I know the teaching of demons being attached to objects is a teaching of the society in it's literature. I actually threw away gifts & other things while a practicing JW because of this, mostly from non-JW family. (actually my xwife was much more "sensitive" to this than me, but I admit I was a little concerned about something that had belonged to someone not "in the truth".) Thinking about it now makes me feel a little dumb. (lol)

    What brought this up was buying a used couch from a person here in my town a few days ago. She is into a lot of "unusual" things & this old thought came up into my mind. I just wondered how people on this forum felt about it. There are some very smart people that post here & I value what they may have to say!

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