It would seem 1 Cor. 8 addresses this in speaking of meat sacrificed to idols. I should think you also have authority to sit on couches..
WARNING.....demon attached to object?
by JNS2 25 Replies latest jw friends
Dubbies better stay away from ebay then...seeing its the biggest garage sale in the world...AND these items could demonize every object attached or linked to them...*LOL*even the emoticons are demonized...
District Overbeer of the "Demonized" class
Awwww. . .Haven't you heard, honey? . . .
JW's are the only ones bothered by demons. . .must have something to do with their specific cult. . .
After all the years of having it drilled in my head that demons could attach themselves to an object I now wonder: is that just more JW bull****? Am I still reacting to the years of brainwashing or is there really a concern about what one brings into their home? Anybody have any thoughts on this?????
I know of no biblical example so I would call it JW bull.
Of course demons can attach themselves to inanimate objects, more specifically, Watchtower literature. You need to rid your homes of it all.
Hmmmm, I guess the dub's better keep away from computer as well (but then the WTs would kinda like that wouldn't they)
A daemon (pronounced DEE-muhn ) is a program that runs continuously and exists for the purpose of handling periodic service requests that a computer system expects to receive. The daemon program forwards the requests to other programs (or processes) as appropriate. Each server of pages on the Web has an HTTPD or Hypertext Transfer Protocol daemon that continually waits for requests to come in from Web clients and their users.In mythology, a daemon, according to Webster's, was "an attendant power or spirit."
Daemon can be confused with demon, which has a different but similar meaning. The New Hacker's Dictionary says that a daemon is a program that runs by itself directly under the operating system whereas a demon is part of a larger application program.
Demons, Shmemons. It's the JW version of the Bogie Men who was gonna "get" you if you didn't do all that your parents said you had to do. This is another example of the utter spiritual immaturity of the JWs.
They ain't no demons.
After the pouring out of the holy spirit on all flesh at pentecost, no normal-minded human being was approachable by any more demons any more. And when The Master left the planet, he put what few disloyal spirits there were left here in deep darkness and chains where they can't bother anyone. Unless of course you're a dubbie and believe all the bullshit they push at you designed to control your every thought the entire day long.
(Yes, I believe that the Spirit of Truth was poured out on ALL flesh at Pentecost, and has been the free gift of The Master to each and every human born since. No, I don't believe you had to be in that upper room on that occasion to receive it. We've ALL got it. And when we can so arrange our spiritual efforts as to be able to touch the indwelling spirit, we'll all KNOW for sure it's there within us - just as The Master said. That's why it's called the Spirit of Truth)
if i remember correctly...Evil Demons only have power over you that you allow them to have over you.
OMG!! While reading this thread something funny came to my attention:
gsx1138 said:
it took me 10 years to get that JW crap out of my head
Now what I noticed is this:Posts: 666 How weird is that it was his 666 post.........eweeell guess I have 8 more years to get the JW crap outa my head.
I kinda disagree with the statement that "JWs are the only ones bothered by evil spirits or demons." I think many other cults around the world are convinced in the paranormal or super natural. We have everything from haunted houses to any small object you can think of possibly being the catalyst for bizarre phenomena. If there was no such thing then guys like stephen king would be flipping burgers for a living .lol