hello everyone.my name is richard and i would like to come back to the truth.i never did get baptized so im not disfellowshiped.my family are still all in the truth,and there lives are so much better than mine.satan has taked over my life completly.and ive had enough.i want to turn my life around and ask jehovah to come back into my heart.i have a very serious drug and alcohol problem.and do not want to live my life like this anymore.i know my life will get better if i let jehovah back in.im just scarred right now.i sill have a little deamon that keeps telling me not to do this.BUT I REALLY WANT TO.i sure could use some words of encouragement if anyone would like to help i sure would apriciate it.and does anyone know if i can get publcations online...? my e-mail addy is [email protected] if anyne would like to e-mail me
by rich_1961 72 Replies latest jw friends
ahh Rich, i think you're in the wrong place. we can't help you here. We are very bad for people like you. Go somewhere else before you change your mind....MINIMUS
Hello Richard, or can I call you Dick?
Welcome back to the truth, there's plenty on this board, I just hope you can handle it.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by and I wish you every happiness.
Hi Richard, what has taken over your life is not Satan but alcohol and drugs. What you need to do is find a good 12-step (AA) program or rehab in your area. Get evaluated to see how strong a physical hold this has on you. You may need to detoxify in a hospital/clinic related facility so that you don't get sicker.
You will find people that understand your situation well. AA/NA has people who are from ever walk of life and age group and in various stages of recovery.
My experience is that JWs don't know how or won't help alcoholics/drug addicts. Get yourself on the right track physically first. Then you can think more clearly about your spiritual life.
There are recovering alcoholics/addicts that post here that can give you more practical help.
But, please, Richard, go to a clinic or rehab center and get evaluated.
Satan is not doing this to you. You are doing it to yourself. There is no demon in your head talking to you. You are talking to yourself. It is your addiction talking to you. I suggest that you start attending AA and NA meetings. There is no cost involved, so that can't be an excuse for not going.
just the kind of stupid reply's i thought i would get online...think ill just go to the hall....and NO im not doing this to myself.i use even when i dont want to....you can't posably know what ive been through
sorry i didnt mean they were all stupid replys
i want to turn my life around and ask jehovah to come back into my heart.i have a very serious drug and alcohol problem.and do not want to live my life like this anymore.i know my life will get better if i let jehovah back in.im just scarred right now.i sill have a little deamon that keeps telling me not to do this.
It is important that you want to turn your life around. This is admirable. I believe blondie gave good advice when she said to go see about a 12-step program. Although not all JW elders would agree, I know that the elders in my particular congregation sent a sister to a twelve-step program (it even met at a church!!!) to help get her free of her addiction to alcohol.
Since all of your family are in the Truth, you know that there is a better way to live life than a life enslaved to drugs. Likely, you think that becoming a witness will solve your problems. I'm not sure that that is true. Better to concentrate on overcoming your addictions and then try to understand what your "little deamon" is telling you.
There are many here who were unhappy as a result of being witnesses and fell into drug or alcohol addition while still Jehovah's Witnesses. Why would that be? This is something to explore when you have put your addictions behind you, in my not so humble opinion.
Meanwhile, Welcome to the Board ,and feel free to write as you progress through your treatment.
Well, richard, from your response, then go back to the hall. If you want someplace where they will hold your hand and tell you the devil made you do it, that's the place to go.
If you have a problem with alcohol or drugs, it is your hand that is putting it into your system and only your hand that can stop it.
If you really want to learn how to stop, go to AA/NA.
Blondie (are you a troll, richard, or just an inexperienced young man?)
Sorry Richard......I hope you get a life soon. One that's free from drugs, alcohol and mind altering thoughts.