My last therapy session was all about the "truth". After many sessions I finally brought up the thought that maybe some of my depression and low self-esteem issues have to do with spending 40 years in a high-control religion.
I won't bore you with all the details but some of the highlights of what I said bothers me are:
My never feeling like I am doing enough or are good enough.
Having regrets about missed opportunities and having let others control my life.
Constant changing of doctrine and dates. (Having the rug pulled out from under you).
After explaining to her the option of disassociation and the shunning by friends and family that would follow, her comment was: "Those men (Elders) exercise a lot of power and control to hold such a threat over your head. No wonder your depressed!." She works for the hospital and is not a minister but she began to talk about the example of the prodical son and how God draws and forgives those who are searching and hurting. She asked me about God's love shown by sending his Son to die for us to save us through faith and not just works..
I thought I was the one supposed to be sharing good news with others and not the other way around!
I hate to admit it, but after 40 years in the truth I feel like I have no hope for salvation because I will never make the grade. I can never do enough to be "whole-souled". Everything I have done in the past is negated because of my present spiritually "sick" condition. Jehovah is an exacting God who has no problem destroying the majority of mankind, so what chance do I have? When people say Jesus came to die for us and Jehovah is a God of compassion and mercy I still don't think I have any chance to be one of the "spared ones.
How did my perception get so screwed up? I have been a pioneer, and Elder and a Bethelite. I have sacrificed and obeyed (usually). What went wrong? Where is the joy and peace of mind? I'm not looking for sympathy, but is it just me? What did I miss along the way?
I'm not looking for a bitch-session but some thought provoking comments from others who may have or are currently feeling similar. If i'm just a screw-up I can deal with that, but somewhere along the way something went wrong or I missed some signal that others claim to have seen.