do beer commercials cross the line?

by DanTheMan 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan
    Does it really effect you that much?

    Well, yes, it does! Sorry!

    Why, I wonder? Got some issues you need to work out?

    Probably! Hey, I'm still less than a year out, still trying to find some footing outside the borg. I posted this thread to try to see how other people might view these things. I'll be the first person to admit that I don't have very solid self-esteem, and things that don't affect other people really get to me.

    I mean, all of you in the "it's all fun and don't take it so seriously" category, can you at least sorta try to see where I'm coming from on this?

    Dan, of the wishing-I'd-never-started-this-thread class

  • Stefanie

    Yea im with the small group that dont like the commercials however i wont change or turn off the channel. Its the same thing you see at a beach, with the exeption of the mud wrestling of course. Its just people. I think onc I lose weight and get in shape again, I wont have a problem with them.

  • Xander


    *scratches head*


    Even when in the b0rg, I never took is seriously. Of course, then, it was "*sigh* - look how the worldlings fight amonst themselves for ratings/sales volume/etc. How trivial"

    And, now it's more "*sigh* - look how corporate America fights amonst itself for ratings/sales volume/etc. How trivial"

  • Valis

    dan, surely you don't expect one of the more violent games in America to be like going to Sunday school did you? That's like going to the Colliseum then snubbing the invite to the Aftter-Orgy..*LOL*..I know where you are coming from...maybe you just need more time to examine what really is worth worrying about and what is simply an inevitability in our society. My five year old masters versus when I was her age and pulling the radio flyer deep into the jungles of the back yard. It says a lot about what is left to the imagination and the real challenge for young people to use the media and Internet to their advantage instead of being pulled by the nose ring of mass marketeers. BTW, you know when the kids can sing every word to every Britney Spears song you've already lost the war...*LOL*


    District Overbeer of the "Loves Boobs & Beer Commercials" class

  • DanTheMan

    Xander, you were raised JW, I take it. Never a true believer?

    I was a convert, I totally bought their propaganda that they were so morally clean while the rest of the world was sinking into ever greater depravity. The black/white thinking.

    Does that help you to understand the issues I'm dealing with?

  • bigboi

    So did I Dantheman. I was always a pretty moderate jw, cause I hated being judgemental. I never got into anything I felt was wrong, but I never tried to force my conscience on others, which is a problem a lot of jw's have. That pesky black and white thinking is a blip ain't it?

  • Xander

    Nono - was raised a JW, but QUITE the 'true believer'. Totally bought everything they were selling. Even went through guilt periods when I through out all kinds of stuff (really pisses me off - when the CO came through preaching how Star Trek and SciFi in general was evil, I pitched the better portion of my first edition Trek paperbacks...from WAY back....)

    Anyway, then I just always looked at what the world did as trivial and not related to me. So, I was never offended by anything specifically, since I was 'considering the source', as it were.

    Now, little bugs me firstly because I've reconsidered what is really important. Being offended over advertising is silly, because it's just advertising. And, in the commecial you noted, what's to be offended by? It's not like *I* would ever be involved in a conversation like that. And, what of it if someone else is? And, so a company wants to run with that theme to try and sell their products to wannabe-cool-people.

    So, what? Again, that's not me, so I don't care.

    I don't think 'this world' is even bad for teens or kids. If they are taught that it is something fun, and desirable to have, then such advertisement or entertainment could sucker them in. It's not that hard for them to grow up at least a little aloof, though, which I don't think is a bad thing. As long, of course, as it is for a good reason - like, say, they are have an above average education, and they don't want to waste time with 'trivial' things.

    You just have to really take a step back and consider what you have been taught - not just from the JWs, but from youth on (if it is different for you, it wasn't for me, obviously). Reconsider what is important, what you need to get offended about, what really has any meaning at all.

    Things like commercials don't matter. They aren't worth getting worried about unless you live your life by them.

  • Utopian_Raindrops


    Please go back to refiners fires comment on the subject.

    He is RIGHT on the money!

    Refiners says,

    For myself, Ive become so aware of things manipulating my emotions, such as adverts, I guess I have read (during my decade of mind control research) just TOO MANY books on manipulation, psychology, mind control, brainwashing, etc. Now I see manipulation in everything. All that ghastly hyper stimulation with multiple flashing images per second that they insist on putting into ads for everything these days (subliminal messages) . Its all just over stimulation. Sensory bombardment. And all the ghastly politically correct News and current affairs shows with some fat, smug interviewer pretending to "grill" the politician hes interviweing when theyre all actually pissing in each others pockets. I barely watch TV any more because I wont be subjected to it.

    Im a nut basically. A very anti social nut.

    Although refiners claims to be a nut and anti-social in reality his experience in The Troof has given him a strong mind refusing to be taken advantage and he comes here. He is a very helpful caring individual who I have seen even invite the downtrodden over to his place for some company. He is not Anti-social but dear and sweet. So I refute his own disclaimer to his opinion on this subject.

    Now to get on with it and Ill word it simply.

    Commercials are meant to manipulate you in the worst way. They wish to make you STOP thinking on a HUMAN level and start feeling at a more PRIMAL level.

    Your body has many NATURAL Chemicals and Drugs it makes for itself to help you cope with life or have a good time, etc.

    Most people here would get REALLY angry if you slipped something into their drink in order to get what you want from them BUT since they are given the Illusion of control because they are watching a Commercial in The Comfort Of Their Own Homes they are unaware of the mental micky being slipped into their programming enjoyment.

    Those in the advertising firms research department are very aware of the effect sexual images, humorous images, as well as music and color have an effect on us. For instance I learned in advertising class MOST women will chose yellow packaging and men red. There are exceptions of course, which I tested after taking the class. I was like 97% of woman and would have chosen yellow (very disappointing to find out) my strong willed mother on the other hand will pick red 100% of the time. After my advertising class I never watched a commercial again. I cant stand them! They are treating Humans as Animals with full consent and pay from the private sector.

    Everyone here knows that when a certain song is playing while they have happy feelings or sexual feelings that when ever they hear that song again they will have NO CHOICE but to think of the moment of joy or erotic emotion. This is how commercials work. They get you distracted and stimulate your brain to emit certain chemicals while watching them. From then on whenever you see their product you are FORCED to feel how ever the commercial made you feel while watching it. True you personally may not buy the product but the damage is done because you will still feel the emotion THEY wanted you to recall. To tell you the truth well over 90% of people will buy the product if the commercial is good enough and the rest of the people will become occasional purchasers. Very few never buy the product at all. Except for maybe Dan and Refiners who feel repulsed when being manipulated for another persons gain.

    I could go on and on about this subject but truthfully its not worth it.

    Most people enjoy the mental micky and dont want to think of the moral and ethical issues it raises.

    Often people defend thier right to be taken advantage of and that kind of debate leaves a bad flavor in my mouth.

    It is not wrong to SOMETIMES think in black and white. Moral Issues like Mental Manipulation for the purpose of profit really affect EVERYONE.

    Dan when you feel disgust over these commercials except it and dont throw that away.

    Not everything you learned as JW was wrong. Morals are good and can protect you from many different angles.

    Some morals are expressing LOVE, which is a Christian Quality.

    Keep it up and be happy with who you are.



    P.S. Be happy people I have company and cant get into the detail I really wanted to!

    Everyone have a cold one and relax.....

    Edited by - Utopian_Raindrops on 20 January 2003 16:3:1


    For sure! . . .have some fun!!!

    I think a sense of humor is very important in life. . .I know that without my sense of humor I would not have survived the "before and after" of the jws. I really appreciate being able to see a lighter side of things, it is a quality about myself that I treasure.

    After all, laughter is a massage for the soul!

    Love ya all!!!


  • DanTheMan


    thanks for your comments. I guess you put into words what I was not able to - the fact that there is SO MUCH work and research that goes into these commercials. I think if somebody like Michael Moore did a behind the scenes documentary of the making of a TV commercial, with all the research on demographics and trying to figure out how they're going to reach their target audience on a primal/emotional level, it would be very educational. There's a book out, I wish I knew what the title of it was, that is supposed to be an insider expose of the ad business and how desperate advertisers are to manipulate and brainwash you any way they can.

    Capitalism, yay.

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