A tale of three sisters.........

by Tatiana 84 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Tatiana

    Well, it's taken me two days to get the strength to write some more. All of your kindness has truly helped. Thanks to certain ones for the emails. It means more than you know. I was watching a movie tonight on PPV. Murder By Numbers with Sandra Bullock. At the end, she said, "It doesn't matter what we've done in life, or what WAS DONE TO US. We can't forget it, we just have to live with it and go on."

    I know words sound good and make it seem easy. It's not, but it's all we can do.


    Lonewolf....I'D be honored!!!

    Should you ever wish to write or speak to an ugly old man who loves his role in life as a father, I'd be honored.

    sloboy's spouse....this is so true. What are you taking in college?

    "Knowledge is not information, Knowledge is transformation".

    nightwarrior....you made me laugh. That's been hard to do lately!!!

    my wife wants to adopt you but i wouldnot go that far ,

    mrs. shakita....I admire what your grandmother did. I have told some life stories here that I'm going to find and copy. I will take your suggestion and seriously start gathering info for a book, even if it never gets published.



    ......to make the rest kind of short, haha--- red-hair worked for 7 years at her job. She had a nice apartment in a good neighborhood. Her boys could go to the park and play. Walk a block to school. Sure, she was in sales. (Something she'd been training all her life for.) But she was good at it. And honest. She thought she'd finally made at least something of her life. She had life insurance for the first time. Medical. Dental. Savings. A car. She was independant.

    Her car was in the shop for repairs. She worked overtime on December 26. Her son and granddaughter walked to her job to meet her. It was about 8:45 pm. They would walk home. They crossed the street in the crosswalk. An eager driver who wanted to get ahead of another car, ran the light and hit red-haired woman, knocking her into the air. The son got the license # because the driver never even stopped. A hit and run.

    Red-hair could not walk. She had huge black bruises on her hip and thigh. She was home in bed watching the news the next day when it was announced her company was going out of business. They never even told her or anyone else. Her benefits were canceled. Also her life insurance. No medical for her or her boys. 10% severance pay. She couldn't even go back and work the few months the store had left. With $750.00 rent, a car note, insurance, lights, gas and food, she quickly went through her savings. Not that it was all that much to start with. Unemployment came. Two months later, she could finally go out job hunting walking with a cane. Interview after interview......nothing. Posting resumes. Months went by.....nothing.....passes the test for a city job, (asst. social worker)....one week later mayor puts a city hiring freeze into effect.

    Red-hair gets rid of all non-essential crap. Gives up cell phone. Gets rid of cable. No eating out or movies. Has a choice to either let car go, or pay rent. You can't live in a car with two kids. Ends up at a food bank. To feed the boys. Landlord is raising hell about back rent. Takes a job at an Osco drugstore. The money is not good, but it's a job. Takes another job at a clothing store. Works 9 hour days and nights. Has to quit eventually because of standing all day. The hip is still not healed. Damn that woman.

    She tries to get help from Human Services. They help with rent for one month. And the heating bill. But she finally loses her apartment. Her credit is shot. She is back to square one. Back at the beginning.

    She breaks down and calls Dad. She explains her situation. Cries. Swallows what pride she does have left and even tells him she can't even afford a bar of soap. Two days later, Dad UPS's a box.

    It's filled with mini bottles of shampoo, lotion, conditioner. Tiny bars of soap. From the Hilton in Hawaii. The Marriott in New Orleans. The Omni. Trial size leftovers form his many vacations. There must be a hundred of them. Red hair is too desperate to be offended.

    Half-sister and husband are in Myrtle Beach at Dad's condo. Golfing. Red-hair feels like shit..............

    Edited by - Tatiana on 24 January 2003 7:12:14

  • Tatiana

    God, I'm whining now!

    I guess the whole point of this sordid tale is that old saying, "Children are what they learn." I know you've all read that old poem.

    My father was Catholic. An evil religion according to JWS. And yet he raised his daughter to be confident, beautiful (by making sure her teeth were taken care of, among other things), self-assured, athletic, community minded, outgoing. I'm quite sure she was not always happy and having the time of her life, but she never had to be hungry, or be shunned, or be beaten. She was never told she was worthless unless she served Jehovah. Or would be destroyed if she didn't answer enough questions at the WT study. She was loved and she felt it. She's not an alcoholic. Or on drugs. In fact, she's a health nut.

    She's just had her first child at age 30. Hailey.

    I told my mother this once. She said,......"Yes, but she doesn't have hope for everlasting life!"

    Screw that....just give me THIS one..........

  • Gizmo

    I remeber when we first came to this country, we lived in a rented house and bot Mom and Dad had to work really hard, to make ends meet.

    There was a sweet little old couple in the street and knew we didn't have much, so, on Christmas day one Christmas, she called me up to her house, I must of been 7 maybe, but I was very small for my age so, I looked probably 5, anyway, she gave me this beautiful little basket full of chocolates, and nuts, and glazed fruit, all wrapped up really nicely in a yellow cellophane paper. I was so excited, I ran all the way home to show mom and dad what this nice old lady gave me.

    The dad said, no, you have to take it back, you know we don't celebrate christmas, so, I went back with the little basket and knocked on the door, and the lady who gave it to me answered all smiles, and I said I'm sorry but I have to give this back. She asked but why don't you like it? I said no I like it very much and tears welled up in my eyes, and she bent down and said so why don't you keep it? I said well it's christmas and we don't celebrate christmas. She just looked at me and said, well who said it was for christmas?

    She stopped me crying, and told me to go back home with the basket and tell Mom and Dad, that it was ok it wasn't for Christmas, so I went home still with the basket, unopened, and told Dad what she told me, Dad didn't get angry or anything, but he took me by the hand and told me to show him where this lady lived, we walked back to the house, and Dad knocked on the door, the lady answered, but this time she wasn't smiling anymore, Dad started witnessing to her, and after about 5 minutes I guess the lady took back the basket, and she looked at me as I handed it to her and said, I'm sorry, and tears welled up in her eyes.

    I'm so sorry Tatiana,

  • LeslieV

    Dear April;

    I was so touched by your story. It is amazing to me how many young people have been so hurt by this religion. I left my ex because I wanted a life for my three girls. After hearing over and over about education not being important and I should make sure my girls pioneered I knew I needed to get them out. My 20 year old and 18 year old are both in college and my 15 year old hopefully will follow. There JW dad has nothing to do with them. His comment always is that their mother only cares about getting ahead in life and the girls will surely not have everlasting life because they put school first. I know this my sound silly but I thank you for your story it proves that my leaving to be able to give my daughters a better life was the right decision. My heart goes out to you. I hope your life turns around soon.


  • Xena
    I told my mother this once. She said,......"Yes, but she doesn't have hope for everlasting life!"

    Screw that....just give me THIS one..........

    Thank you for giving me the words to use next time I talk to my sister!

  • nightwarrior


    This is Mrs Nightwarrior, I am so pleased that my other half made you laugh... can I ask, is the situation that you are speaking about currrent... it doesn't really matter, I still want to adopt you!!!!!!

    I always find that when I am down, or angry about something I write eveything down, and it is such a release and helps you put things into perspective... and the fact that you have had the courage to put your feelings and experiences in writing for us all to read is inspirational.......

    Know that we are thinking of you here, and keep talking.....

    (((((((((((((Tatiana and children))))))))))))))

    Lots of love

    Mrs Nightwarrior and the other half LOL

  • SheilaM


    I have had clinical depression for over two years, now I feel like a selfish selfish person. Yes I have had some things go wrong in my life not sure I will ever be able to share them all but it seems you can't catch a break. I know how the box made your feel I too received one from my inlaws on one of me and my hubbies anniversaries my sis in law went to the top of the hub in Boston<can you say$$$$$$> we who had given my in laws every penny we made I worked 12 hour days and we got a box of the same stuff razors,shampoos, Tuna????? an old bedspread etc. the card read "To the Penthouse couple" we lived in the attic with no fire escapes no way to even get out if something happened<some penthouse huh>

    I hope you find happiness and joy I wish your Dad could see the inequity but from what you said can't. As for your Mom what she has said and done is just horrible. As if that conduct is worthy of God.

    Peace to you


  • LDH


    I have always liked you. Now I know why. You are one tough bitch, a bit like myself if I may say so.


  • Sentinel


    Your story is a very sad one. I keep wondering where all that JW love was when you all were part of the congregation. Did not anyone "see" what was happening to you? What about Social Services, did they not intervene when that tooth was knocked out? Didn't anyone care? This is so very sad.

    I wonder about your mother, and why she allowed things to go so down hill, and I wonder too, if perhaps you might have had this opinion of your father, like he was perfect and did everything right. There seems to me to be some things missing. As children, we often do not know all the facts.

    If your dad was so hurt at losing you, why didn't he do something about it. He knew what your home life was. He knew abuse was taking place. Yet he allowed your lives to go downhill as well while he simply moved away, remarried and had another child. Maybe your life as a young child was not all that you really thought it was. Perhaps on the surface, your father seemed like your hero, and there was other stuff going on.

    How could he move away and just "let you go"? And, how do you know all about his second family, the half sister? Did he send you pictures of her? Why would he do that, if he knew how sad that would make you...to know that his other daughter was getting everything and leading more of a "normal" life. I don't understand and I'm certain there is much more to all of it. Stuff you may not even be aware of.

    JW's aren't evil people. It's true they have cultish behavior, but children are usually not abused by a parent that is a true active follower, without that person receiving some type of discipline themselves. As children, we try to function within the limits set in our lives. If your father was absent, and continued to stay away from you, then he is very much to blame as well.

    I came from a very dysfuntional family. Only one parent was an active JW, and she was very very strict with us. Each of us reacted to that life in a different way, as our father was not actively interested in raising his girls. I was the oldest, and I always tried to make them happy and keep the peace. My other sisters took a different direction. As a child grows up, they learn they have choices, and they can make good choices and they can make bad choices. I had my share as well. But, we just can't blame all our choices on our parents, or on our life. There comes a point in time, where we just have to start making good choices, and build on a new and solid foundation.

    It sounds to me like you have been trying. When you each grow older and look back on your life, you will be able to understand--there are some things we can change and some things we can't. In our own family, I have seen many a heartache, and a life-long result of making bad choices.

    The only thing we can do, is make today, the first day of our lives!! Don't give up. You've come so far. There is help available from many areas in today's world. There are support groups and lists of phone numbers to call.

    Be good to yourself. Learn to love yourself. Take responsibility for your own actions. Let go of people who drag you down. Change if you need to. Accept the things you cannot change and change the things you can. Live your life with honor and respect. You deserve to be happy!!

    Remember, we do have a father/mother of the universe who knows what is in our heart and soul. All you have to do is "ask" and the answers will come. They will come.

    Edited by - Sentinel on 27 January 2003 13:4:45

  • Tatiana

    Sentinel.....you are correct. I left lots of things out. My posts were long enough as it was.

    Lots of things I found out as I got older. I went to visit my Dad in St. Louis. We talked for hours. Also, to my grandmother on his side before she died. And after my step-dad and mom divorced, (he decided not to become a witness), he told me things I didn't know. He has confirmed many of my memories. He refuses to speak to my mom to this day. And they have a child together also. I left out the part about my only brother...who ran away from her when he was 12 and never went back. And says to this day he will not even attend her funeral. And about my sister's daughter, Stephanie, who my mom had custody of for a while. She also ran away at 16. She tried to go to the brothers also. I guess when the person you're trying to tell them about is a special pioneer, it falls on deaf ears. Yes, Sentinel, my mom was and is a "true active follower." She has never been even reprimanded for anything she's done. She is now a missionary in Ecuador. I don't know how much more "active" and "true" you can get!

    As far as why no one helped my sister and me...I don't know what kind of congregation you were associated with, but I didn't see much love in ours. I saw gossiping, backbiting, jealousy, and scandels that I could write a separate book about. When I got my tooth knocked out, Child Services was not as involved in families as they are today. This was in the 60's. And who is an 11 year old child supposed to tell when her mom has threatened her if she does? My step-dad and I have talked about this. At least he acknowledges his part and has apologized. He also told me things about my real father.

    When I got older, I asked for a meeting with the brothers. At that time, all I wanted was the abuse against my crippled grandmother to stop. (Something else I left out-I'd given up on trying to talk to them about me and my sister) My mom had moved in with her and treated her like shit. My niece even recorded my mom cursing at my grandmother, calling her names. But, that's another story.

    My Dad was in the Marines. When my mom left, she took us from Maine to SC. He didn't even know where we were. He got stationed somewhere else. From what I found out later, each time he'd try to find us, my grandmother (who was a witness by this time) would tell him we'd moved. Of course, I think he could have tried harder. Of course, I think he's partly to blame. We aren't that close today. But, I also know that if we'd been raised with him, even though he was an "evil" Catholic, our childhood would have been very different. And, no, I can't predict the future, but I'd bet all I have that my sister would be alive today.

    She took a different route than I did. I've never been on drugs. Tried it a few times, but not in about 25 years. I only drink on certain occasions. I just took all the pain inward. And withdrew from everyone. Which I'm working on still.

    Where was this father/mother of the universe when we needed him/her?????????

    If you want to read more about my "loving" JW mom, here's a link..........


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