One question that would make you think....

by Dawn 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I would just say" I dont understand YOU say I Must come into your religion THE TRUTH-to get LIFE-because it is the only WAY!!!! Yet I understand from Christians I have talked to--- that Jesus said He was the Way - Truth -Life???? That He said COME TO ME!!!! I dont need to go to you!!!

    but if you would like to read a scripture for me -I dont have a bible here with me John 6:29 "The Work of God is to believe in the one He has sent:" & go over to verse 40 ( Jesus speaking) For my Fathers will is that everyone who looks to the SON & believes in HIM shall have enternal life & I will raise him up on the last day...:I understand your religion says if you work hard enough I MIGHT get raised on the last day? Right? sort of contradicts Jesus I would say....

  • yard dog
    yard dog

    I would ask "At what point does loyality to an organization become idolatry?"

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I think it would be difficult to raise any question or objection that would make a rank and file JW really think, without having an off pat WT answer, or the blinkers come up.

    One thing that niggled in the back of my mind when I was an active dub was that we were not to look at opposing arguments. I could not see what the problem would be if we really did have the absolute irrefutable TRUTH. I remember speaking to people who knew this, and would say that they would read the literature that I was offering if I would read and consider theirs. Won't happen.

    There will always be people who want to be JWs, want to carry on as they are, don't want to consider any contrary evidence. The key is finding something that will touch the heart or mind of an honest, thinking JW.

  • Latte


    Could you please e-mail me? Want to ask you something.......


  • Fe2O3Girl

    Latte, you have mail.

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