My hubby and I are closing our business. 2002 was a terrible year. We've been in business for 10 years and in 2002 we earned only 60% of our average. Our bills were all the same if not more. The debt keeps snowballing. I finally said to my husband, we came into this business with 50 dollar in our pockets and didn't owe any business debt. We're up to 7,000 in debt now.
the last few months I have used credit cards to buy groceries. I paid bills using our overdraft, usually the money came in before the time limit was up. it didn't this month and now we lost our overdraft. also someone bounced a check on us, and hasn't made good for it, this caused a chain reaction. One check went for the water bill and bounced. I immediately called the water department when my bank notified me that the check was being returned. They said they would call me when they got the check and I could come in and pay cash, plus a fee to get it settled. I've been calling them everyday because I didn't want to miss their call and have our water shut off. they ran the check through yesterday again, and caused another fee in my checking account. I called the water dept. and asked them since I had called everyday, couldn't someone have told me they were going to try and cash my check again? I would have put the cash in the bank instead of hanging on to it. They said they had no control over it. I was so angry over it.
I've applied for food stamps, but they said it will be three weeks before an interview and then it takes more time to get the food stamps, if we get approved. I'm managed to buy food at a discount price from a church, so I'll pick it up Saturday. Their's was one of the checks that bounced but they are working with me and letting us have the food.
Hubby and I are both looking for work. One place told my hubby three weeks ago, that he would have a job. Gave him instruction videos to watch and had him come in for some non-paid training. told him yesterday they couldn't hire him, they felt he was too old for the job,(he's 50).I might get a job as a checker at the local grocery store. One of the checkers in pregnant, and they'll need a replacement. Of course it is only slightly over minimum wage.
We both work for a newspaper too. He does photos and I write. trouble is it doesn't pay very much and the paper doesn't know if it will fold. Not too many businesses are advertising.
So I'm terrribly depressed right now. This economy sure does stink. We're finishing out the month at our storefront and moving out slowly. We're bending over backwards just to get people to do business with us. Of course they are taking every advantage of it too.
Sorry just needed to vent a bit.