Want to make$$$ I need Investors!

by OUTLAW 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel


    I heard not long ago that a woman set up a web site and asked for money because her husband had left her (I think??) Anyway, after a year, she had received 7000 in donation - not sure if this is US dollars or UK pounds - I can't remember if this was a UK or US site. But, apparently, there are an awful lot of nice (gullible) people out there!! This story was on a news report so I am sure it was genuine - I just can't remember all the details, apart from the 7000 which stuck in my mind.


  • Englishman


    Please send me my $200 straight away. I have 8 penguins next to me right now. Here's the proof:


    Hey xjw_b12,In the summer you have to keep the beer and the bird in the fridge,LOL!..>>>Hey pr_capone,these are not pets,they are working birds about to make beer history..>>>Hey Ken,I would imagine TV schemes are like any other.Those at the top make all the cash,everybody else just sends it in..>>>Hey NeonMadman,midget nun`s?..LOL! I never thought of that.I`ll have to come up with a scheme for midget nun`s.Maybe we can find a market for midget nun`s with chain-saws,LOL!..>>>Hey E-man,I`ve never seen English penguins before,they`re worth $30.00 each,can you get more?You`ll have to take them out of the wrapper first so I can see if their real penguins,theres a lot of scamming going on now adays,LOL!...OUTLAW

  • rocky220

    Outlaw, you know I love you but.........What are you smoking and.......can I get some? rocky220

    [from the save the penguins with sore butts class]


    Hey rocky220,so you smell smoke do you? I found a couple of dubs wandering around in the woods.I got the BBQ going,one dub is cooking up nicely,the other one is in the freezer..It`s cold beer and BBQ`d dub for dinner tonight and there should be enough left overs for sandwich`s,LOL!...OUTLAW

  • Valis

    I just got word that all of OUTLAW"s penguins have been liberated...apparently OUTLAW was gunned down by this rather naughty penguin who proceeded to shot, hog tie him and then warm his own beer w/at least one of OUTLAW'S orifices.....*LOL*


    District Overbeer of the "Bad Penguin" class

  • Celia

    Outlaw, bad joke ! Abuse of helpless animals


    Hey Valis,true there was one renegade penguin,but I was able to fend him off with the ancient northern martial art Peng-Fu.He has paid dearly for his insolence,he is now warming kegs of beer with his birdy bum.The insurection is over and it`s business as usual,LOL!..>>> Hey Celia,these are not regular penguins.They are Northern Assassin Penguins(trained to kill smurfs) staight out of jail.Taking one look at your photo,I`ll bet your happy their not in your neighborhood..I was good enough to give them a job and a place to stay while they straightened out their lives,LOL!...OUTLAW

  • Celia

    trained to kill Smurfs

    well, this is just a mask and a costume I wear around this place... Here is the real me :


    Hey Celia,if thats a real pic of you,you are one pretty lady...OUTLAW

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