New KM Tries To Make Old & Young Feel Guilt...

by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Latte

    W/T December 2002 P.23

    View Matters From Gods Standpoint

    Graduation of the 113 th Class of the W/T Bible School of Gilead

    " Carey Barber, in his 98 th year of life and a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, served as chairman of the program"

    The poor guy! The poor audience! Great respect for the mans age and all that, but surely, it would be most taxing for him......and his audience!

    Looks like they are the only 'fine examples' left!

    The guilt tripping works did for me!


  • Shakita

    This is just the same dish of crap that they have always fed the assimilated. They have just moved the poop around a little to make it look fresh!

    I knew many strong-willed people who were JW's. They were just brainwashed strong-willed people.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • garybuss

    Hi everybody, Thanks for the thread!

    The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation wrote:

    Jehovah's Witnesses, however, while not forgetting the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, give priority to helping people spiritually....

    Isn't it quite a coincidence that ALL the spiritual help comes by way of books written and published and sold to members by The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation? And all spiritual meetings have donation boxes and are sponsored by The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation?

    What about the term "accurate knowledge"? Anybody aware of any accurate books published by The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation that were not replaced or revised? Aren't Witnesses really distributing inaccurate knowledge written and published by The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation?

    Happy day everybody! gary

  • minimus

    Accurate knowledge is just like "present truth".

  • NeonMadman
    " Carey Barber, in his 98 th year of life and a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, served as chairman of the program"

    Which reminds me...

    Has anyone ever noticed how Governing Body members always try to pad their ages by citing an ordinal number rather than a cardinal number? Freddy Franz used to do this all the time, too. A person who is "in his 98th year of life" is actually 97. That's a pretty ripe old age as it is, but for some reason, the Watchtower feels the need to attempt to make the person look even older than he is by stating it the way they do. Why, I wonder?

  • minimus

    The numbers game! For any here that suppose that the Society doesn't play with statistics to make things look better or worse, think again. I even think that they will make some numbers look bad so as to motivate more work and enthusiasm for the organization......The worst part of these "ancient worthies", is that, all the old, old elders that have lost it a long time ago, feel that it's their right to take on more responsibility based upon these GB's examples. They can't even think, nevermind organize anything!

  • JH
    Many religious organizations place emphasis on doing charitable works, such as providing facilities for secular education or medical needs.

    They say that as if it's evil !

    If only the Watchtower Org. could help feed the poor in it's own congregations, and help old people in it's own congregations, that would be the minimum it could do.

    But no, it rathers to go knock on doors that don't open.

  • dedalus

    Many religious organizations place emphasis on doing charitable works, such as providing facilities for secular education or medical needs.

    This is a waste of time because the people receiving the charity and benefiting from the philanthropy are going to be killed directly by Jehovah at Armageddon. So are the people in the organizations who were only trying to make their fellow humans more comfortable in this dump of a planet created by God for mankind to inhabit before he kills them all (except Witnesses of course).


  • minimus

    In reviewing the article, "Preach and give a thorough witness", notice how every elder and ministerial servant is made to feel that they should pioneer during the Memorial season. it states: "By participating in the auxillary pioneer service, elders and ministerial servants are in a good positionto encourage others. When working with publishers in the field ministry and when making shepherding calls, they have fine opportunities personally to help others to have a full share in this special activity. May all of usmake this a matter of prayer, thus adding force to our united efforts in giving a thorough witness. While all elders and ministerial servants will cooperate with congregation arrangements for increased activity during the months of March and April"............How are you supposed to feel if you just can't auxillary pioneer during those months???

  • Elsewhere

    WHAT IS YOUR PRIORITY? That is the article that's on page 8 of the Feb. KM. Notice some quotes." Many religious organizations place emphasis on doing charitable works, such as providing facilities for secular education or medical needs. Jehovah's Witnesses, however, while not forgetting the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, give priority to helping people spiritually.....What about us? Do we give priority to the work of proclaiming the Kingdom good news and making disciples?....It is good periodically to consider if we can make adjustments so as to have a fuller share in the preaching work. One sister had been a regular pioneer during the '50's, '60's, and '70's but found it necessary to stop because of poor health. In time, however, her health improved. She recently reevaluated her circumstances and determined that she could pioneer again. How happy she was to attend the Pioneer Service School at the age of 90! How about you? Are you nearing retirement or graduation? Might your changed circumstances allow you to pioneer?....Can you simplify your lifestyle? Is it really necessary for both husband and wife to be secularly employed? If adjustments are made, can the family live on just one income?"..........................Well, any thoughts???

    With this in mind... read the highlighted comments below...

    Past Post by IronGland:

    From this link:,5478,5876608%5E662,00.html

    Ram butts Bible man

    AFTER a day of doorknocking the last thing Jehovah's Witness Kenneth Hawthorn expected was to be attacked by one of God's creatures.

    But that is exactly what happened.

    Despite a gate marked 'private - keep out', Mr Hawthorn entered a farm only to be confronted by a four-year-old ram.

    He attempted to shoo it away with a briefcase containing Bibles but was knocked to the ground and suffered a broken shin.

    In the South Australian District Court, Mr Hawthorn and his wife Pamela, of Tea Tree Gully, reached a confidential settlement with the ram's owners for loss of earnings after the incident in July 2001.

    The Hawthorns sued Ronald and Julie Goldfinch, of Paracombe, in the Adelaide hills. They claimed they were forced to sell their hose-fitting business as a result of the injuries Mr Hawthorn suffered.

    They alleged the ram was a "dangerous and ferocious animal" and the Goldfinches were negligent for not keeping it confined and failing to warn visitors.

    The Hawthorns also sued the Adelaide Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses for failing to provide proper instructions about doorknocking in rural areas.

    In the Hawthorns' statement of claim, Mr Hawthorn, who was doorknocking with his daughter, said they opened a gate on the Goldfinch property and walked towards their house to "engage in biblical discussion".

    "As they did so a ram appeared and charged (Mr Hawthorn) to the ground and the ram continued the attack pushing him towards the fence," the court documents said.

    "At this time the defendants appeared and assisted (Mr Hawthorn) back into his car.

    Mr Hawthorn claims he now is able to walk only small distances and "his capacity to enjoy life has permanently diminished".

    In their defence, the Goldfinches said the Hawthorns entered their property "uninvited, unwanted and without notice".

    They said their hand-reared pet ram had never attacked anyone before nor had it shown a "violent disposition".

    In its own defence, The Adelaide congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses said doorknocking was voluntary and followers were not obliged to do it.

    Mr Goldfinch said yesterday he was glad the case was over but disappointed with the result.

    "We're just totally disappointed that they should have got anything," he said. "He walked into an area where he knew animals would have been, why should we pay."

    The ram, which was affectionately known as "S--- for brains", has since died.

    The Hawthorns declined to comment.

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