and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God's children, since they are children of the resurrection.
Interestingly, WT also teaches that the resurrected CAN INDEED die. They teach that any resurrected that does NOT pass the 1000 year test will be destroyed, therefore you have proven WT wrong, even with your interpretation of Luke 20:36
A Believer, the more fitting interpretation is that the resurrected are spiritual beings living in a spiritual heavenly setting, (again read 1 Cor 15) and they are NOT angels.
Maybe the WT does have it wrong about who the term great crowd is being referred to in this scripture.
They are wrong about this and many other things. The problem is that JWs are not allowed to question this or any other obviously flawed doctrine. If they do, they risk being DF as apostates.
There is much else WT is wrong on. Just seek online and you'll find. Excellent place to start: