Thanks again to Dmouse, we have more provision from the FDS' table, i.e. February's Kingdom Ministry. Enjoy:
Meat In Due Season: February 2003 KM
by Stephanus 15 Replies latest jw friends
Man! Talk about jam-packed with information. What's on the GB's
bottom lineheart this month? Get people auxilliary pioneering, attend thatbloodyblessed memorial, drag the inactives back in, kicking and screaming all the way, get Bible Studies into active service, get out there andsell the literaturepreach, settingsales targetsspiritual goals, opening your house up to thehordesbrothers. That last one also tells you about how you should behave yourself and display good manners while in another's home - just as well we have Brooklyn to tell us that - there is no way we could have come to those conclusions without the guidance of the spirit directed FDS! -
Opening your house up to
hyper-criticaldiscerningstrangersbrothers and sisters is considered to be a "fine privilege". Kids aren't allowed to wander off and do anything interesting, they just have to hang around the book study area (and get belted, if the last book study I attended is any guide). Kids should bedragged outafforded the fine privilege of going out in FS. Couples with two incomes should reassess their priorities - is that second income really necessary? Next month we'll have an article on how stingy the brethren have become - where are those donations for the worldwide work, brothers??? -
You know, every time I see one of these rags, I am amazed at how little variation there is. This material could be lifted word for word from the April, 1972 issue.
When I was in, I never realized that. But now that I haven't been to the hall for a while (9.5 months and counting), I am really floored by the monotony of the material.
I would like the site to include the Canadian and USA Kingdom Ministries along with the UK Kingdom Ministry as comparison.
Yep, "at an hour that you do not think it to be it, the Son of Man is coming." Well, I didn't think it was going to be here at 9:00am this morning. Did the Big A come then? Nope......geeze, weren't the Christians of the first century CE expecting it THEN????
Roddy, the problem is that Dmouse only gets the UK edition. I'd be more than willing to host the other editions (esp the Oz version!), however they've got to be scanned and emailed to me. If you know anyone who can do so, please get them to contact me...
BTTT for those who haven't seen it yet
A little belated, but here also is the November 2002 KM, once more thanks to Dmouse
Topics include the truth about Jesus, bothering to turn up at book studies, elders properly vetting refugees before speaking up for them, a 2 page spread on the Theocratic Ministry School, another two pages insisting that fathers make sure the society gets its pound of flesh from their families, convention dates for 2003 and a little advice column on why attending your local congregation is better. Prize for the worst titled article (in light of the paedophile cover up scandals) goes to "Showing Loving Interest in Fatherless Boys"!
refiners fire
..." It helps us to see ourselves as ALIEN RESIDENTS amid the PRESENT SYSTEM OF THINGS".
Hey Steph, I dont think theyd put terminology like that in a mag for public consumption. Doesnt LOOK good. Makes them look.....cultlike?? (lol)
...." Young couple....If they simplified their life they could pioneer....they found ways to PRUNE away UNNECESSARY activities SAPPING THEIR TIME AND ENERGY".....
Steph. I pruned some unnecessary energy sapping activities...I stopped goin to meetings. Lol Brother