Meat In Due Season: February 2003 KM

by Stephanus 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    very wierd language in these KMs.

    Just one line:

    ..." As we await Jehovahs day may we maintain our spiritual readiness by being in soundness of mind"....

    blah blah. "As we await".... I mean who would say that in the real world? The language is surreal.

    "may we maintain"... may we? Is that an order/ a recommendation/ a suggestion? what?

    Edited by - refiners fire on 24 January 2003 18:48:1

  • jws

    Thanks for the posts, but there seems to be a couple of problems.

    In February, page 5 is linked to the 2002 copy of page 5, not the 2003 copy.

    Also, page 8 for May does not seem to appear.

  • Stephanus

    Thanks for telling me JWs. Hopefully those problems are now fixed. The page missing from the Feb edition was particularly important - it has been quoted by two different threads in the last few days.

    Please people, let me know if there are problems with the KM Scans site - I don't always notice everything.

    RF, that "may we" stuff is a polite Borg way of saying "you bloody well should"!

  • SYN

    Excellent! Thanks! Bit more drivellish than usual (is that even a valid word? ), but thanks for the heads-up anyhow...

  • Stephanus

    Something caught my eye on p3 of the November KM. Under the title "Highlights from Bible Reading" it reads:

    This part has been lengthened to ten minutes so that the audience can offer comments on the week's reading.

    Is this just regurgitation of the points set out in whatever the WT uses to tell people which bit of Bible to read, or is this a genuine attempt to get the R&F thinking about what they've read? Can anyone still in enlighten me on this point?

    Syn: the Tower's "literature" is so awful, it lends itself to the coining of new terms to express that awfulness!

    Edited by - Stephanus on 25 January 2003 14:52:49

  • Stephanus

    That article on "fatherless boys" is typically annoying. They count a kid growing up with an "unbelieving parent" as an orphan! The arrogance of these bastards!

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