I just saw a 1 minute preview of next Wednesday's The Fifth Estate. They showed the Silentlambs march, an interview with a victim, as well as a copy of the elder's secret manual : "Pay attention to yourselves and all the flock". Cool. Can't wait to see the show next week. Is there anyway of posting on the internet a VHS recording of this show?
CBC Canada preview of child molesters
by stichione 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
It starts off with Mike Moss a survivor of abuse who when he reported it to the elders and was brought before a committee for participating in a homosexual act, despite it being non-consensual
Then a clip of Bill and his now famous Dateline tape recording, then some guy silhouetted out stating " I will most likely be disfellowshipped for doing this and will be shunned" (This must be a Canadian whistle blower)
and then a scene from the SL march, very distinct was heard the chant, no more pedophiles at my door
This is going to be good folks! I am looking forward to it
Edited by - Uzzah on 22 January 2003 22:7:9
Up until today's preview on The Fifth Estate, I'd only ever heard about the Pay Attention book...
Oh man...... this is gonna hurt folks!!!
Love, Scully
I thought a great preview- Scully you never heard of that book???I remember it very well. Looks like we are going to be happy about next week. 5th estate called me- gave me the te# & wants me to call her after the show to tell her what I thought of it. I met her when I was at the Vickie Boer trail... I assked her is it for us or agin us- she said I cant tell you that -but let me know your thoughts.....
I have a copy of the Pay Attention book stored in a box in my office room here at home. Lotsa whacked out stuff in there that Elders have to follow.
The Watchtower is gonna get a Spanking!!!
Of course I've heard of the Pay Attention book.... and read its contents when it was available online... I think I may even have printed it out for "research" purposes .... but I've never actually SEEN one. I almost fell off my chair when it was there taking up the whole TV screen. LOL
Love, Scully
Scully I tore my book up---- " Pay Attention to yourselves" didnt need it any more ( well maybe I should have remembered it before I got into the post about the dishclothes LOL)
I watched and taped the preview of "The Fifth Estate" . . . it is going to be a great show next week, and I will be there Wednesday with remote in hand!!!
. . . credible religion. . .I think NOT! . . .not after next week!