Someone that I know well because of my business, suddenly died, while on vacation. I talked to his wife yesterday. She told me that her husband's view of life was that he wanted to enjoy life every day and that when he did die, he wanted to die in his favorite vacation spot, Aruba. He got both wishes, as he suddenly died from a heart attack. My view toward life is similar. I want to enjoy everyday as it could be my last. What about you? What brings you real joy in your life? What makes life worth living?
What Makes You Enjoy Your Life?
by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends
Being active is what I enjoy. I enjoy coaching, scuba diving, cycling and friends. I enjoy pleasing myself after a lifetime to trying to please others. With age has come some selfishness.
Selfishness is good, LB. Especially if you've lost alot of fun!
I hate everything.
1. Sleeping in on my days off.
2. Dancing all night at the goth club.
3. Then eating breakfast with the club crowd at 3 in the morning.
4. Long midnight walks in the city.
5. Finding a great new book.
6. Making a new friend.
7. Having conversations on Instant messenger with five at the same time. (try to keep that many conversations straight).
8. Drinking and having movie marathons with my husband.
9. Desigining and building furniture.
10. Homemaking... decorating, cooking and all that stuff...
Big Tex
Yesterday my daughter became angry when I refused to allow her to chew gum since it would get stuck in her retainer (never mind the orthodontist specifically said no gum). Well she burst into tears and stormed off. Heavy sigh. A few minutes later she came back downstairs and hugged me. In a small voice she said, "Daddy I'm really sorry." I sat down in our rocker and she crawled into my lap and laid her head on my chest, just like she used to when she was a baby. I stroked her hair as we talked for a bit and I rocked back and forth. Gradually she fell asleep.
That was a neat moment. I'll never be rich or famous or a success in business or anything like that. But when I'm old, I'll have lots of memories like this one. It's enough for me.
wow, Tex- isn't it awesome? They grow up so fast too. My daughter is 14 now and went to her first Homecoming dance. When she said something to me about it- my reply was- "You can't go to Homecoming, you are only 10!!" The time flies. When I saw her in that dress with that confident smile on her face and watching her truly enjoying herself- it's all good.
I think one of the things that "makes me enjoy my life" is the motto that I've lived by for so long- "You only go around this track ONE time" When it's done- it's done. And for many of you folks, having been raised in the belief you have- that "one time around the track" concept may be something new or foreign or even a bit uncomfortable.
We really do only have one time around this track. And I'm trying to do it by having as much FUN as I can along the way while still being productive. If I die tomorrow, I have few regrets and I've had a lot of fun on my journey.
edited because some "sentence structure psycho" wrote the first rendition
Edited by - xenawarrior on 23 January 2003 4:42:34
Cookies..thats whats makes me enjoy life. Esspecailly when XW just doesnt know where they are hidden.
Oh and my wife & kids and family and freinds and sense of humour and ....
Damn you Brummie!!! I was looking for them tonite too. It would help if I only had one user name to be looking for them under ya hoser !!!!
I'll find them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XW of the "Cookie Sleuth" class
ROFLMAO XW, Seek and you shall find! I have to seek too cus I cant remember where I buried them
Its under the user name "Brummie" I only started using the "brumm" account to annoy Kelpie (Jk) but then I forgot to log back in under my proper account. (a likely story)...pangs of guilt, ok this is the last ever post under brumm
Brummie (oh ya, I just remembered where I put them)