Why Do Some Defend the Butcher of Baghdad?

by Perry 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    Ten years ago the Kurdish village of Halabja was attacked with mustard gas and a nerve agent by Iraqi government troops because the village supported Kurdish autonomy. Five thousand men, women, and children died immediately. The effects of mustard gas exposure include the reddening and blistering of skin, and, if inhaled, will also cause blistering to the lining of the lungs, causing chronic impairment, or at worst, death. Exposure to high concentrations will attack the corneas of the eyes, eventually rendering the victim blind

    And here is a lovely taste of the effects of biological weapons Saddaam might use.

    How does VX compare to sarin gas or mustard gas? Since VX and sarin are both nerve agents, they have similar effects on the body. But VX is about a hundred times more deadly than sarin when absorbed through the skin and about twice as deadly when inhaled. Moreover, sarin is volatile, evaporates at about the same rate as water, and is deadliest when inhaled, while VX is oil-based, extremely adhesive, and long lasting.

    Owen Bowcott
    Wednesday November 13, 2002
    The Guardian

    Iraq is understood to have ordered about a million doses of anti-nerve agent drugs from Turkey

    The first shipments of small pox vaccines were shipped out a few days ago to policeman and firemen in key American cities. Thank God.

    I want my children to live in as safe a world as possible. Previous gernerations paid the ultimate price in WWII and made it easy for us to have a comfy lifestyle without speaking German of Japanese for about 50 years. Now, they are our buddies. The problem wasn't with the people...it was with their leadership.

    The same is true with the Iraqi people. Saddaam has got to go. We owe that to ourselves, our neighbors and our children. Evil must me faced. I have no doubt thta American will face that Evil as cautioously and wisely as possible.

  • gsx1138

    Glad to see linear thought is still alive and well. I thought for a second there we may have become enlightened. I don't think there is anyone who supports Saddam even in his own country. But blind Bush followers seem too thick headed to realize that anyone who disagrees with U.S. foreign policy aren't in favor of Saddam. This kind of Black and White thinking is immature and unrealistic. When was the last time you heard something about our war on Terrorism. Despite his best efforts Bush has provided no link between Al Quieda and Saddam. Your all being played. I think some of you even have your own questions about what Bush is doing but like a good Dub you push away those questions in favor of blind nationalism.

  • Perry


    If you re-read my post I never said anything about people here supporting Saddaam as if there is some sort of active contribution to his bloody regime. My question is why some clearly defend his "right" to remain in power after 11 years of failed diplomacy, UN violations, and a growing threat to global security.

  • ashitaka
    Previous gernerations paid the ultimate price in WWII and made it easy for us to have a comfy lifestyle without speaking German of Japanese for about 50 years. Now, they are our buddies. The problem wasn't with the people...it was with their leadership.

    Agreed. People seem to forget this.


  • Crazy151drinker


    What do you mean you havnt been to war with Portugal??? What is your problem!! Hurry up and invade! The troops are already on the way to the gulf, have them swing by and take care of portugal! Come on, their Neutral! No one is going to back them up

  • Trauma_Hound

    If you re-read my post I never said anything about people here supporting Saddaam as if there is some sort of active contribution to his bloody regime. My question is why some clearly defend his "right" to remain in power after 11 years of failed diplomacy, UN violations, and a growing threat to global security.

    Show me a link to anyone that defended Saddam on here! Oh ya, you can't because your a dumbass, one of your dumbass pres. bushes staff was quoted as saying that if 0% of the US People supported a war with Iraq, he would still go to war with them. You can take your dictator and shove it wear the sun don't shine!

  • Perry

    Geez TH!

    Is Saddaam your pimp daddy or what? I answered a question from wassasister. I don't see a doggie buscuit in my hand, so your salivating drivel is puzzleing.

  • Trauma_Hound
    My question is why some clearly defend his "right" to remain in power after 11 years of failed diplomacy, UN violations, and a growing threat to global security.

    That's what you said, you dumbass, now show me a link where people defended him being in power, we all think he's evil, however, our president is a dictator, doesn't care what the US public thinks, so clearly he's not a "patriot", in fact, what was said was quit treasonus, so go defend your little dictator why don't you.

    Edited by - Trauma_Hound on 23 January 2003 12:28:22

  • dubla

    Show me a link to anyone that defended Saddam on here!

    now show me a link where people defended him being in power

    >>> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=45024&site=3

    >>> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=44682&site=3

    >>> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=45126&site=3

    the few recent ones i know of right off hand....hope this helps.


    Edited by - dubla on 23 January 2003 12:33:37

  • Trauma_Hound

    Dubla, umm I've read those threads also, who defended saddam? Show proof dumbass.

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