I'm here at work (oops ) and I keep getting whiffs of the distinct aroma of Smelly Old Shoes.
Tonight I'm off to the store for some new shoes!
by Elsewhere 19 Replies latest jw friends
Had you considerd looking a little deeper into things ,????maybee it could be the smell of your Acidi socks, probe a little deeper and it may well have been your emancipated liberated feet,a little deeper & it may have been your towel you used to dry your feet ,you cant blame the soap or the water therfore whom or what is to blame,maybee it was the dogs breathwhich left a lingering obnoxious smell while licking your feet,
professor Einstein says get to the bottom of it all i surmise,that real problem here is the exfolilating skin trapped between the crumbling layers if acidic materials compounded & ground together through abrasive wear which have made up the base line of the shoe,entrapping months and years of residues of sweat intermixed with bodily odours and exacting mould growth within the fabric,
Therfore the owner along with the affected article,needs immediate treatment ,for the removal of the said smelly area commited to the scientific lab for examination ,we the board of directors agree to the findings ,and encompase as a hle that your feet be removed so that you dont ever cause irritation to any of your working comrades in arms.FLUFF ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Maybe you stepped in some doggie doo .
Exactly how OLD are your shoes?
Are they remnants from your old JW door to door field service shoes? That could explain why they stink......they are probably ugly too.
See , if you did like me,,,,,,,, and not wear shoes,,,,,,, that's why I cant have a job..... I will not wear shoes all day, you feet would be free to breathe,,hehhe
It may not just be your shoes.....
My Ex hubby used to have that problem. His feet would get wet....and WHEW!!!
Dr. Scholls Medicated Foot Powder eliminated that problem. I thank you, Dr. Scholls!!!!
My step son has the foulest smelling feet I have ever had the misfortune to smell in all my 46 years. Doctor scholls smell absorbers.... Foot powder..... open toed shoes,.... nothing makes any difference. A pair of his socks will contaminate an entire washing basket full of gear causing it ALL to need burning (well not quite). So youre not as bad off as he is Elsewhere. Hes married now , I dont know how his Mrs puts up with it.