Are pets important in your life?

by JH 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I always loved little animals, and I always will have one. I noticed that most families do have pets. For people living alone, a pet is a good companion. Do you like pets, and are they important in your life? I would have posted a picture of my pet, but is on strike.

    Edited by - jh on 25 January 2003 13:54:5

    Edited by - jh on 27 January 2003 7:11:19

  • Swan

    Pets are very important. In my whole life they were the only ones that I could count on to love me unconditionally. I learned to love them unconditionally in return.


  • nightwarrior

    In our home the pets include, one husband, three boys, one girl, one dog and two cats.....

    yeah, i would say that pets are important, actually only joking about the family LOL

    Our dog is a 2 yr old german pointer, and she is loooovvvverrrly, she is a real sweetie and just like a little kid, but is also wise, when you feel ill, or a little down she is beside you....and she always brings a smile to our faces...the cats, well these two pretend to rule the house, bossy, but lovely, and a home without a pet is quiet.

    I grew up with animals, and I was a JW.

    But, I remember one assembly about the fact that JWs should not have pets????mmmmm well you can imagine what I thought to that, due to the fact that animals interrupt the field ministry....never mind..

    Oh well woof and miaow

    Bye Mrs Nightwarrior


    Up here in the Great White North pets not only are part of the family,they help keep the home safe.Dogs take care of the larger animals and or humans up to no good.Cats take care of the smaller ones that can get into your home and into your food.Any human that gets by the dogs and into the house will be in for a fight,one of my cats has escorted more than one person out the door,a seriously vicious and territorial animal...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 25 January 2003 13:58:6

  • Sargon

    I've been trying to train the mice here to take care of the cockroaches.

    I love having cats but they don't allow them where I am now.

  • Scarlet

    I have 4 cats and they are like having children. I love them so much and cannot imagine my life without my animals. They are a wonderful asset to your life and add so much joy.

  • Warrigal

    I'm in full agreement with Swan....pets do love unconditionally unlike some humans. No matter how bad a day you have your pets are happy to see you and content to curl up with you even if you're late with their food.

    I hope I'll always live in circumstances that will allow me to enjoy the company of my four legged friends.

    Warrigal (owned by a dog and 6 cats)

  • Mulan

    We have always had cats and a dog. (3 different dogs, 2 died, and numerous cats)

    I love cats, tolerate dogs. Our dog is getting pretty old, and we won't replace her when she is gone. We love to travel, and it is so hard to make arrangements for them.

    On our last trip, our cat "punished" us by pooping, peeing and throwing up, all over the house. Her cat box was in the kitchen, and I had a friend coming by to clean it every day. She did it too. The cat is really giving us a message. I doubt we will replace her when she dies either. She is 17 now.

  • Princess

    Laughing at the thought of dad agreeing to replace the cat when she dies. He has barely tolerated her for the last 17 years. She is a sweetie though. <snif> I'll miss her.

    My husband promised the kids they'd each get a kitten after we went to Hawaii. They keep asking and I tell them we have to wait until spring when they are born. So far, so good. I know this is the year though. I don't like living with animals. Just not my thing.


    Now let's not forget: Birds.

    Sunshine, is a 4 year old female cockatiel. She is very lovable, eats with us when we have supper, and is a great watchbird. No joke! One night there was some commotion outside of the house; I didn't hear a thing. The bird's comb on her head was straight up and she was shrieking. I thought it was weird. THEN...we heard something, and sure enough raccoons were outside terrorizing the garbage bins and recycle containers.

    Birds are great, not as noisy as people think. If you leave, they protest, because they love to be around people. They love human interaction and can be quite hilarious! She never bites, and loves to eat whatever HUMANS are eating. You can hold her, and she loves to have her head and neck scratched, which to a cockatiel, is heavenly bliss.

    She has only layed one egg. Thankfully she's not laying more, as it's hard on their system, and we don't have a male, so the eggs are not fertilized.

    Lots of fun, never a dull moment with 'the bird'. She is allowed to fly around the house, and she does get plenty of attention. When you come home, she's screeches her delight to see you. Just like how I've seen dogs do when their owners come home.

    I'll have to post a photo of her eating spaghetti, it's quite hilarious!

    Pets are great therapy, and excellent companions. They show unconditional love.

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