Now let's not forget: Birds.
Sunshine, is a 4 year old female cockatiel. She is very lovable, eats with us when we have supper, and is a great watchbird. No joke! One night there was some commotion outside of the house; I didn't hear a thing. The bird's comb on her head was straight up and she was shrieking. I thought it was weird. THEN...we heard something, and sure enough raccoons were outside terrorizing the garbage bins and recycle containers.
Birds are great, not as noisy as people think. If you leave, they protest, because they love to be around people. They love human interaction and can be quite hilarious! She never bites, and loves to eat whatever HUMANS are eating. You can hold her, and she loves to have her head and neck scratched, which to a cockatiel, is heavenly bliss.
She has only layed one egg. Thankfully she's not laying more, as it's hard on their system, and we don't have a male, so the eggs are not fertilized.
Lots of fun, never a dull moment with 'the bird'. She is allowed to fly around the house, and she does get plenty of attention. When you come home, she's screeches her delight to see you. Just like how I've seen dogs do when their owners come home.
I'll have to post a photo of her eating spaghetti, it's quite hilarious!
Pets are great therapy, and excellent companions. They show unconditional love.