FreeFallin, grieving the loss of a beloved pet hurts in so many ways. Last year our Kayla died at 13. I cried and cried. It still is so painful to remember her. I think a lot of why it hurt so much was because she was the connection that we had to the days in the Organization. My good memories of her are also of good memories in the WT when I trusted that it was the "truth". One of those happy memories was that she had her litter of puppies during a bookstudy that was in our home. When the puppies were born in the weeks that followed, everyone in the bookstudy would come upstairs to see the puppies after the bookstudy. Kayla was such a good mama allowing everyone to pet them. When Kayla died all of the memories of those days came flooding back and it hurt to think she was no longer their, she was now gone and so were all those friendships that loved her so much. They were gone. It was painful to think that these people who were such a part of my life were not the friends I believed they were. Kayla's death symbolized the death of a way of life, the death of my faith, and so many other things. Losing a pet is so hard. Now I am dreading facing the death of Pongo my pug who was my daughter's pet. He grew old while she grew up. And now every day is precious with him.
Are pets important in your life?
by JH 43 Replies latest jw friends
(((((Freefallin))))) I'm so sorry to hear about Brandon. Every Sheltie I've ever met was full of spunk and sweetness! I dread the day I lose my babies. I know it will come someday, but I try not to think about it.
My pets have meant the world to me. Henry, my male dog, is a schnauzer/chicken. He has a terribly scary bark from under the bed. I got him immediately after I broke up from my ex-boyfriend. He has been the most faithful and trusted friend I've ever had - snuggles, comforts, plays and entertains, and loves attention. My female dog and my two cats are also little lovebirds. It's so interesting to see all four distinct personalities under one household. There are days where I wish I didn't have to worry about boarding creatures when I go out of town, but the days where they're just at the vets or the groomers are terribly quiet. I hate the silence without them there. Animals don't take away time from God, as the JWs would like you to think. I think they teach me lessons I wouldn't otherwise learn. How could God be upset by that???
Edited to add: I've heard that it's harder to lose pets than actual humans in our lives. Why? Because all the memories we have of them are positive and they've never given anything besides simple unconditional love. Relationships with humans are so complicated. When we lose a person in our lives, there are a million emotions we've experienced with that person. Sometimes it makes their death a complicated thing to sort through. With animals all we ever miss is that unconditional love.
Edited by - Billygoat on 26 January 2003 0:57:41
((((((((((((((((( extra hugs)))))))))))))))) for all those who love their pets so much. You don't have to explain why,,,,,,,,,,, as an animal lover myself, I know why........ but it is hard to express in words. I had many pets in my life and they all where there for me,,,,,,,,,when I cried , when I needed someone the most,,,,,,,,,,,alone in my room , in the barn ,,,,,,,,they had a sixth sense that can not be explained.
Tonite,,,,,,,,,, I was quite upset about something very , very private,,,,,,,,,and my little pug was sensing it,,,,,,,,,he whimpered to me and as soon as I clapped my hand for him to come to me, he was right there. Precious and calm and just laid his head on my knees. What that did for me,,,,,,,, I can not explain,,,,,,,,,,only someone who has experience can understand. Sometimes, we don't want to talk about or have someone repeat what we already know,,,,,,,,, we just need comfort, and I think the animals help us too. If we only depended on animals to give us comfort , maybe that woluld be a problem,,,,,,,,,,,,but when we just need to pet our pets soft fur,,,,,, that is ok.
Aroarer,,,,,,,,pugs are special that is for sure, and I understand that the pug being your daughter's pet, make the pug more special,,,,,,,,like it is something left of your daughter at home. I have thought of that myself ,,,,,,,,,,,when my kids are gone,,,,, I should still have some of these pets that they helped loved and raised.
I had to put a cat I had down a couple of years ago and I had this cat 13 yrs . When he was gone a big chunk of our family was gone, almost like it was a sibling to my oldest son and I grieved over this cat and no cat will ever take his place.
God, I am crying now too.
Well,,,,,,,,,maybe there is a pet heaven,,,,,,,maybe they go where we do ,,,,maybe they are waiting for us????????????? That would be a perfect dream,,,,,,,,, our family and our pets in the afterlife...>>
I have 2, black labs. I don't have kids and don't know if I will so these 2 are the best thing for me!
Lyin, my dogs always know when I'm upset...I can be at one end of the house, with my head under a pillow crying and the younger one Casey is right there within a minute or two pawing at me to say "hey look I'm here" and the older one Cosmo, always sits very stoically beside me as if to say "I'm your rock, lean on my shoulder".
I love them to pieces !!!
(((((ARoarer)))))))Thank you for your kind words. I was going back to delete what i wrote last night, but then saw the responses and decided not to. Thanks for understanding
(((((Billygoat)))))))))Thank you so much for adding that last bit to your post. I feel better, knowing that it's okay to grieve a pet so much. I've been dealing with the guilt that I miss my dog more than my mother. Now how sick is that! But Brandon was never critical, and always devoted.
((((((LyinEyes)))))))You're sweet, as usual!
PS I've always been careful not to reveal what I do, just in case someone might find out who I am, but I don't really care anymore. I've raised Shelties for over 20 years and had a grooming shop for 15 years. So I've lost plenty of dogs and consoled many people over the lose of their pets. I've given people books on how to deal with the loss of a pet, etc. I could breed one of females and get another puppy. But it just wouldn't be the same.
For the longest time I couldn't figure out how people got so attached to animals. We never had a pet growing up, so I couldn't relate. Now I've had 3 cats, 2 I had to give back to a shelter because we moved, but the current one, Zoe, is 5 months old and is an absolute sweetheart. She's got the white belly and charcoal gray tiger stripes and piercing yellowish eyes. She craves attention and will cuddle with anyone who will stroke her head. This is absolutely crazy, but I actually felt jealous when she hopped on a friends lap and let her pet her. She doesn't take to strangers at first, and this was the first time she preferred someone elses company over ours, and I didn't quite know what to make of it. I had to keep telling myself "she's a CAT - GET OVER IT!!!" and finally I snapped out of it.
I'm stoked because I found these litter liner bags that have holes in them so all you have to do is lift one bag up and all the crap is collected in it and the clean litter sifts to the next bag underneath it. I HATE cleaning the litter box so this will hopefully make the job a lot more tolerable!
Pets are wonderful - as soon as we buy a house we'll get a dog too. I'd like to have an Fox Terrier.
We have two dogs. As first time dog owners, we made the mistake of getting a purebred Cairn Terrier. We actually did homework on which purebred would be the best without any health problems or disabilities along the road. With Cairn terriers the only problem they might get would have been skin allergies. We thought, that's not bad. So we made the decision to get a Cairn. His name is Jake. He is now 9 years old. He was fine up until we got him fixed when he was two years old then he went downhill from there. Skin allergies are gross. There was a time when he barely had any hair left, until we finally got him on dog food that seems to work and he stinks! That's one reason why I did not like dogs because they stink. Oh well he is part of the family and the kids would be devastated if we didn't have Jake. Two years ago we ended up adopting a stray that showed up in our front yard. She's a beautiful German Sheppard/Husky mix. We did everything to find her owners but to no avail, so we decided to keep her. And she always smells great, never stinky like Jake.
We called her Lady, and she's an excellent watchdog. We're avid campers in the summer season. We camp from May to October. I feel so much better with her camping. She's chased a bear up a tree. She scares skunks away, and of course, that was pretty stinky. Had to wash her in the lake with half a bottle of shampoo.
Oh yeah, we now have sea monkeys. Thanks to my oldest daughter she bought them for the younger ones for Christmas. So naturally mom is looking after those too What else are mom's for.
I am the oddball here, I think. I beleive in the food chain, and animals are on a lower level than humans. We have pets, cats and a dog, and they live well. All of them crap outside, I wont let a litter box inside the house. The cats are not allowed on the kitchen counters, I use mouse traps to scare them off. The dog has to leave the dining room when we eat. I trained the dog to understand the word NO... he wont even touch meat I hand him if I say "no", waits till I say OK.
I like most animals, but they have thier place in my life. I hold humans at a higher level.
Like all of you, I love animals. Always had dogs growing up, now have two cats. And yes, I know who rules the house, and it sure ain't me! I would love to get a dog also, but don't know if the cats will allow it.
It is so very difficult when a pet dies - one of my cats became very ill a few years ago and I thought I might have to put her to sleep - walking out of the vet's office I burst into tears and walked home, crying all the way. Fortunately she got better but I can't imagine how awful I'll feel when she dies, hopefully at a ripe old age.
You can check out this web site:
It's got dogs and other pets as well as cats, different ones each day.
Loved that website!!! I especially loved "Burma" and that cute Syrian hamster. It will definitely become a favorite.
Here is one about one cat (incidentally, one of my favorite coat colors)...