Any Ex-JW'S From VT?

by mackey 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • mackey

    If so , What kingdom hall did you attend? What was the enviroment like within it. Just curious.

  • Celia

    Hello Vermonter ! I live in VT too but have never been to a KH ! The local JW ladies who have been visiting me over the years were going to the Rt. 5 congregation, and the majority were the "holier than thou" kind.... very arrogant.

  • mackey

    I'm a little further south of there. Around ludlow.

  • Celia
    Celia you ski at Okemo ?

  • mackey

    Believe it or not, I've never put on a pair of skies. Live about 5 miles from Okemo. I actually can't stand snow.Got almost four feet of it here and damn is it cold.

  • Ravyn

    I went to Brattleboro, Cong. Most arrogant bunch of SOBs anyone could ever hope to meet. Crazies too. There was actually a fist fight between two sisters after the special talk in 1995! I bent over backwords to make those people happy there and it all came crashing down--on me --not them. Only good thing I cansay about is that it was that little bit of corruption that finally got me out. But I was third generation JW, 15yr pioneer who had survived living in California for 10 yrs--and that cong in VT is what broke the camel's back---extraordinary! even now I am still shocked when i remember what went on there! Those people actually came into my house when I was gone and literally took everything I had! They stole all my furniture and everything! And I was told that I could not get it back, nor sue them--because they were my 'brothers and sisters'! Even now I curse whoever got my standup mixer! (My roommate who had a nervous breakdown told them I had left for good and said they could have whatever I left in the house...)That was back in 94-96. That corrupt body of elders are who removed me as a pioneer after 15 yrs because some looney-tune jealous sister started gossip about me and they claimed it ruined my reputation(no one even knew about it except the elders...)the CO made them apologize 3 months later and told me to reapply, but it was too late. I had already lost everything and I was just done with them all. But boy can I name names--and I have!


  • mackey

    My best freind has regular contact with the Brattleboro cong. Maybe they'll eventually turn her off too.

  • Ravyn

    OMG! mackey tell her not to ever have anything to do with Maura Barden! I was her two teen agers' STATE APPOINTED foster care guardian(they are both adults now) and she is the one who caused all the $h!t. I still think about those poor kids and hope beyond hope that someday they will leave JWs and maybe look me up. the elder body in that cong was just flat out nuts. they had wives in the local mental hospital and there was a major cover up going on for sexual abuse from another cong where half of the members got up and moved in to Bratt. One of our best pioneers had postpartum psychosis and they ended up moving to europe to be near his family to take care of the new baby....

    it was the biggest mess I had ever seen and I dont see how it could have been all taken care of in just 6 years or so, because it was not being taken care of properly the last I heard--about 3 yrs ago.

    it was the single most corrupted cong I had ever been in---and I have been around! I had two elders hit on me while their wives were in the looney bin! It was BAAAAAAD.


  • mackey

    You've confirmed any doubts I had about these people being insane. I'm working on getting her out.Just gotta be patient. Thanks for the info.

  • Ravyn

    I am serious mackey--I have names addresses and phone numbers still---if you need anything I might be able to help you with just email me privately and put JW forum in the subject.


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