Any Ex-JW'S From VT?

by mackey 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • mackey

    Ravyn- I wrote down your email address and will contact you if I need anything. thanks.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Ravyn, it cuts to the heart when I read such posts. How sad such conditions prevail and then they say, 'wait on Jehovah!' Jehovah has given us tools to work with and we don't use it because were told not to have independent thinking!

    Guest 77

  • zev

    i was at the brattleboro hall quick build sometime in the eightys. i don't know any of you, but i'd thought i would say hi.


    my condolances on the bs y'all had to put up with.

    i'm sure your finding out that the stories you'll read here all have simailarites to them.

    hello from the littlest most corrupt state in the country.

    Rhode Island

    Edited by - zev on 27 January 2003 8:59:50

  • Ravyn

    talk about coming back to haunt me--my husband just tried to open a new checking account in another state where we will be moving in the next few weeks, and was turned down because of a bad check that my room mate wrote on my bank account back in 1996 in Vermont!

    This nightmare is a hard one to shake. I lost about $200,000 because of Brattleboro cong. and I still dont have my credit cleaned up after nearly 7 yrs, two name changes, moving 7 times in 4 states, getting married and reporting all the fraud to the proper authorities! The worst thing is--I am only about $20,000 behind now, and I might as well be right back on square one. One debt consolidation loan would take care of anything left....but I can't get one, I am no longer a home owner--I lost it to foreclosure in Brattleboro(Putney actually)when the cong. insisted I get rid of the foster kids I was taking care of. (I refused to do what the elders told me to do and leave the kids at a Police Station during a holiday week end--so I was 'defying' the elders, accused of being a 'Jezebel' and the State took my license to be a Caregiver because the 'intergrity' of my 'home' was compromised. So I lost my job, reputation, and then when I went to stay with a friend across country to try to find another job--the cong came in and stole everything I owned! And the roommate--who had been my pioneer partner for 12 yrs, continued to use my accounts and credit cards that she had access to.)

    After 7 yrs, it isn't a matter of vengeance or just being bitter. They literally ruined my life, and I have not gotten it back yet. and now they are affecting my husband who never had anything to do with JWs.


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