Why aren't you a believer?

by therealtruthsayer 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Elsewhere

    Believers tell me that they "feel" god... that they "know" he is there because of this feeling. I have never experienced this "feeling".

    For me, all I see is what I can see. It's that simple.

    Some people tell me that I am resisting god or other things like that. This is simply not true. I can't resist something that I am not experiencing.

    It seems like most people are born with a certain mass of cells in the brain that produces this "feeling" (whether it is real or imagined). Sometimes I like to joke that it is the "God Pod" and that I was just not born with it.

    Please don't tell me you feel sorry for me or tell me that I'm resisting god, or I should just try to pray a little harder... I spent many years of my life struggling to find this "feeling". It just isn't there for me and I am to the point that I am offended when people try to blame me for not correctly performing some "contact god this way" procedure.

    Trust me, I am not missing out. I am a much happier person since having given up on trying to find the "god feeling" so many talk about.

    If you have this feeling and it contributes to your happiness.. then great! I am always pleased to hear that a person has found happiness, just as I am pleased to have found happiness by not believing.

  • Xander

    Why would God only send true religion to whites and send the rest of us the wrong message?

    LOLOL! Quite succinct, and yet, exactly true.

    It's not that god only gave his message to a select few. Oh, no, that would be bad enough. But ALL the world has some religion. So, not only did he only give his message to a few, but then purposely misled the rest of the earth! (or allowed to be misled, just as bad if you are an all-powerful deity)

  • blacksheep

    Left Jehovah? Sounds like a distinctly JW POV. Now, I'm no religious buff, but you don't hear people who are lax on going to church on Sundays as "having left God." Good grief, the guilt-trip JW's try to lay on you: if you're not attending all 5 meetings a week, going out in service once-twice on the weekends, and attending all the big assemblies, you've "left Jehovah."

    Me, I was "raised" as a JW, but deep down never really believed it. The rational, humanistic spirit in me was telling me it was a load of santimonious crap looong before I could say it out loud. Left Jehovah. That's the cult programming talking, hon!!!

  • Carmel

    I certainly left Jehovah. Since the inception of the New Covenant, the Jehovah concept was no longer adequate. It was replaced by a concept of a loving god, albeit with some human characteristics.


  • starfish422

    Why am I not a believer? I take exception with the question. I believe in lots of things.

    Why are atheists referred to as non-believers? A non-drinker doesn't drink anything; a non-smoker doesn't smoke anything. Wouldn't it stand to reason that a non-believer wouldn't believe anything?

    Maybe I am touchy about this sort of thing but I hear it sooooo many times; the fact that my beliefs aren't Christian doesn't invalidate them.


    Hey therealtruthsayer..Quit pickin on Whitey!....12 hr`s in a friggin sun-tan bed and they`re still given me friggin trouble..LOL!...OUTLAW

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