Inactive......??..and on this forum?

by ScoobySnax 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I haven't been at meetings in 14 years. I'm not disfellowshipped nor have I disassociated myself, so technically I am inactive.

    I find this place to be very healing. It is full of information, some of it I agree with and some I do not. But, and this is a big reason why I enjoy coming here, I can think and talk and read for myself. I can talk with anyone I want. I can read anything I want. I can think anything I want. There is no "spirit directed organization" telling me what I should do. Any guilt or responsibility I feel now comes from my conscience, not some generic rolladecks article written by a bunch of lying, hypocritical, egotistical old men. When I left, this loving united brotherhood told me I was the only one who felt the way I did. They told me my questions were my fault and that I lacked faith and if I had no faith, then God hated me. For years after, I believed what they said. I thought God ignored me the way my father did. Jehovah's Witnesses told me God didn't care about me; and I believed them. A few months ago, I stumbled on to this website and discovered that what I had been told was a lie. I wasn't the only one. How about that?

    I started studying in 1971 and became baptized because the Witnesses answered every question I had. I stopped going, and will never return, because they can no longer answer any question I have.


  • Brummie
    I started studying in 1971 and became baptized because the Witnesses answered every question I had. I stopped going, and will never return, because they can no longer answer any question I have.


    Its like that worn out cliche "Just when I thought had all the answers someone came along and changed all the questions"


    Putting my old Witness head on I would probably have found this place hard to deal with when I was first leaving the WT. But that would have been due to not being familiar with freethinking people. I would have found certain posters intimidating simply because of them being a threat to my snug little JW black & white world. I couldnt cope with all the differing opinions back in the day.

    I'm not an inactive JW, i'm a none existent one. I disassociated myself when I knew it wasnt the truth.


  • Xander

    once made you think it was the Truth and many others here, I don't know

    I only ever thought it was 'the Truth' because I was born and raised in it, and never was exposed to anything else.

    As soon as reality was able to punch a whole through the blinders they put on (thank you college), I quickly realized how flawed their teachings were. The strict prohibition on reading non-JW literature, the lack of 'true christian love', and failed prophecies, etc.

    They literally have nothing at all going for them if you examine real alternatives.

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