Without the snapping jaws of the majority here, do any of you "inactive" people on this forum who read or might sometimes post, find this place welcoming or intimadating? helpful or harmful? Is it a better or bitter place to be? ..........answers please on a postcard,........ like below.
Inactive......??..and on this forum?
by ScoobySnax 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hi ScoobySnax; Yes I've been inactive for about 2 years and I do enjoy this forum... many of the people who post here are able to eloquently express the nagging doubts that bothered me for so long. Others are quickly and competently able to refute the false teachings and prove their point from the very Bible that the JWs use. I appreciate them all!
WOW Warrigal......looks like you're a fully signed up member!, sounds like you are inactive no more!...I'm sure you've had a big welcome here. Thanks for the reply.
I am curious. Why do you remain inactive and not leave totally? I am just curious. I was away for 16 years before I found the real truth. Do you have stuggles you find difficult to deal with?
If you have questions feel free to e-mail [email protected]
Hi GM......Thanks for your reply, In answer to your question, I'm not really sure I want to leave as in the way you say it, I certainly don't lead a very religious life right now, and have not felt the need to look any where else either, If I do chuck the towel in on the life I'm leading and decide to "go back to God", (which I think a lot about sometimes) I know I'd go back to the Witnesses, I've been out long enough to have a good look around, but was in long enough before to understand in my humble opinion, that it was the Truth (TM!!) Following it all was another thing! Take care.
1) To answer your original question, I'm inactive RE: the witnesses. Have been....ohhh...about 2 years now. Yeah, that's my real picture (well, doctored a little...teeheehee). Yeah, this is my real name. I don't really care.
2) How on EARTH can you think they are the 'true religion'? Gods above, they can't even get christianity right, and that's assuming christianity is the 'right religion' in the first place! The JWs are so far off base with failed prophecies, blaming their members for their leaders mistakes, and general un-christian conduct, it's not even funny!
And let's not even talk about the relative merits (*cough*NOT*cough*) of christianity as a life choice....
I could say though Xander, that the path you have chosen is "bizarre" to me, but hey, we've all got that free choice to choose that which we "think" is right, your way doesn't have to be mine and vice-versa. We're not in the KH here (by a long stretch of the imagination!).....so to answer your reply, yes I do think they are the true religion, you can think otherwise, of course!
It was partly an honest question. What part of their religion has you convinced it is 'the truth'. I see nothing redeemable anywhere at all in their organization, so I'm curious what you think.
Personally, I often find it intimidating. But then, I have a load of hang-ups since being a JW. Many on this board have known each other for yonks and I feel a bit like an outsider - just like when I was JW.
hmmmm........maybe the part that once made you think it was the Truth and many others here, I don't know. In truth, I don't think I've been hoodwinked, bullied, lied too, or any other negative about the JWs that you read of here, thats not to make others viewpoints invalid, itsjust mine.
Rebel.....I know where you're coming from, some here are intimadating, like some at the KH, this forum takes on a religious fervour of its own sometimes..... its amazing to watch it. Just keep an open mind.