I have read your posts in this thread and I guess I'm amazed.
Jgnat possesses extraordinary writing abilities. It is a gift and one she graciously shares with us here. She doesn't have to do that and after reading your posts, if she weren't the person I know she is, she might be hesitant to do so again.
Is this "Creative Writing 101" and you are the professor? Are you really even qualified to be making the judgemental assessments you have about her writing? It's a STORY. And a very well written one at that. And just like any other story, one person may be drawn to it and another is not. Nothing wrong with that. But to pick apart her writing based on your problem with the definition of a word was unwarranted.
This is one of the things you said:
The resulting effect is not to my liking - although, to someone of a religious bent, I could see how it would be a very encouraging story.
So be it- if it's not to YOUR liking, who cares? I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am really not what you might consider "someone of a religious bent".
The difference between writing to a specific audience vs writing to a general audience is very important. If writing to a specific audience, say, a religious group, talking of faith in such a way works well, and as noted, most would probably find your story encouraging/uplifting. I was merely offering comment on the article from the point of view of a general audience, say, this forum in the 'friends' section
You weren't offering comment from the point of view of a general audience- you were offering your own. And it was far beyond "comment" . I would call it more of an obssessive diatribe. And again, unless you have credentials that I am unaware of beyond a general reader, one that you are unqualified to make.
I enjoyed this piece as I do all of what Jgnat writes. And it's because I like her style of writing. It draws me right into the story. THAT is what good writing is about for me as a reader. This isn't technical writing, it's creative.
And if you are having a problem with the word "faith" as others have been taught to understand it - good luck. You may want to then look up the original meaning of the word "nice".