Not going to say a word

by berrygerry 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • berrygerry

    Comment on similar post (WTH is going on behind closed doors in WT land?)

    Was in this goof ball cult during my late teens early 20s.

    I always will remember a special talk a representative from the headquarters gave, which I later learned was given to all witnesses across America, possibly even global.

    The speaker talked for 30 minutes about why people shouldn’t have sex with animals. Bestiality is a sin! To add to the fun the speaker had a strong new england accent.

    What about sex with an “animer”?
    This is fornication, which is forbidden by Jehovah.
    What about rubbing the gentials of an “animer”, while rubbing your own genitals too?
    This would be fornication, which is forbidden by Jehovah.
    What about only rubbing the genitals of an “animer”, without stimulating yourself?
    That would be fornication too, which is forbidden by Jehovah.

    The room was filled with mostly middle aged and elderly women.

    Cut to: groups of JWs later wondering out loud how big the epidemic of human/animal relations was “in the truth” and if anybody locally was doing it.

  • Brian J
    Brian J

    Hand Check!

  • Steel

    I have always seen a certain level of mockery in the WTS but this is literally homosexual erotica.

    Besides of the writers of gay porn, who the fire tuck actually thinks about this stuff and talks about it.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    So happy to see that this madness is getting more and more publicity!
    The GB / Society is going to rue the day they ever produced videos.

    Now the whole earth can see how bat-shit crazy they are!

    In terms of these videos, I think that sooner or later the law of diminishing returns will kick in (if it hasn't begun already) and they'll begin to have the reverse effect that they were intended to have. Between the over exposure of the once mysterious Governing Body and their incessant need to create issues where no issue exists, people are eventually going to tune them out altogether.

  • steve2

    Now, if only JW organization put as much energy and concern into policies on child protection and making it safer and sounder for child sexual abuse allegations to be followed up.

  • sparrowdown

    I love the way "worldy" people are not afraid of "triggering their persecution complex" they just say it like it is.

    I 'm becoming convinced the only way to hurt WT is with ridicule, relentless ridicule.

  • JustHuman14

    Wow!!!! They are complete f@$+ing nuts!!! Does any knows how can I obtain the video without the commentator? Is Is it on JW.ORG


  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Oh... that video is a pisser - Oppression leads to obsession.

    If you want a good laugh, go the the video on YouTube and have a read through the comments.

    - "If a man sees the number 8 and thinks it looks like a pair of boobs laying sideways, is he masturbating? Yes!" "If a man feels relieved when he goes to the bathroom, is he masturbating? Yes!" "If a man leaves his house on a Wednesday, is he masturbating? Yes!" "If a man has ever eating a stuffed crust pizza, is he masturbating? Yes!" "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, is a man masturbating? Yes!" I love this game!


  • Balaamsass2


    Imagine listening to this with your first cup of coffee and breakfast!

    There was just a lot of creepiness at Bethel. Imagine the thrill of being a "new boy" at Bethel and being able to meet Watchtower guru Fred Franz and ask him bible questions in person any wed evening after dinner!! The one big caveat is...You need to meet in the sauna in the basement....ah..em... I passed. I like to keep my clothes on for meetings..... :)

  • NotFormer

    Okay, this is an old post, but brought BTTT because of similar discussions.

    "This video would have had a greater impact if the idiot who presented it had kept his mouth shut and kept his face off of the video ."

    At first I would have agreed with this. But as the talking head with the sexually provocative red tie and hanky* started talking about showering together and sitting in each other's laps and fondling, I found my facial expressions echoing those of the commentator, and his comments sounding very much like my thoughts. I am horrified that this was genuinely put out by the JWs in all seriousness, and not a gigantic pisstake by their detractors!

    Was this released for mass consumption? Was it more for Bethelites? If so, why every last Bethelite didn't quit on the spot after seeing this crap is a complete and utter mystery to me.

    I suppose it's a case of "conditioning takes time".


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