Dear friends, I make no attempt to convince of you of what I believe. I simply present what I believe. I have thought a lot about God in previous times. I do not know if there is a God or not. Better minds than mine have considered and debated this subject. If there is a God, I do not know his intentions and purpose. It is all a mystery to me. As a result of not knowing anything on this subject of consequence, I have simply decided not to dwell on it. I have decided to spend time on things in my life that I might be able to affect and change in a postive way. That is the best I can do. Now, if there is a God and an after life, I still don't know if God grades on a curve and I don't know what the cut-off score is. Therefore, I just do the best I know how, and hope for the best. When I die, I will either have no more life or I will wake up to a great big surprise, when God welcomes me into another world. In either case, I really can't do anything about it.
What I believe
by larc 21 Replies latest jw friends
I just do the best I know how
Good advice there Larc. One thing is for sure, whether you believe in an afterlife or not, you gotta make this life count.
Intro, when you wrote, you gotta make this life count, truer words were never spoken. When the Witnesses sacrafice this life for the next one, they are missing out.
Larc: right on.
I progressively whittle away at what I knew I believed, then to what I thought I believed, and over to what I need to believe. And my path is getting quite simple...
only two laws...
and it's the second law that makes the difference.
I hope for all of humanity that he grades on a "curve". Although I refuse to become a willful casualty in this great war.
Craig, the second law if I get your drift, love your neighbor as yourself. That, indeed, is important.
Craig, it seems to me those two are really the same law.
Even the Raiders didn't give up! I'm surprised you would so easily. How long you been "out"? Lots of life and times of head to contemplate and investigate. Me thinks you owe it to yourself not to throw in the towel.
I used to keep alll the answers in neat little boxes.......but through the years the bottoms have fallen out. But, ya know what? It's okay!!!