is this acceptable punishment for kids of JWS?

by phillipau 31 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • UnDisfellowshipped
    hawgRyder, you are way out of line with your comments.


    How do you know what happened in hawgRyder's JW Congregation(s)?

    In my country, it is forbidden by law, and Witnesses follow that law.

    Since when has the Law stopped the JW's from doing bad things?

    If the JW's obeyed the Laws, there wouldn't be a massive pedophile cover-up.

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 28 January 2003 7:19:43

  • shera

    That is wrong and sick!I hope something is done about that.

    Sadly,this is very common in the KH,I do have to say ,that there was many JW who would not disipline their children like this.

    Would a loving God condone this form of behavior?

    I recall,one family the father had a stick standing up beside the couch in the living room ,when the kids "misbehaved" he would crack the over the kuckles hard.I was told by a so called,loving sister,to beat my child more because when the tribulation comes,she may loose her life.My daughter loved to scream during the meetings.Some days just about the full 2 hours.I must thank her for that, that I missed out on so many talks...hehehe

  • Angharad

    I saw kids getting taken out 'discipline' at our hall and it went way beyond and swat on the hand or butt.

    When Liam was about 18 months - 2 ish - he was playing up a bit and an elder asked me 'Do you know how to smack you child'?

  • D8TA

    OldHippie said: 
    hawgRyder, you are way out of line with your comments.
    The hell he aint!
    In 15 years that I was a kid growing up as JW, I witnessed (no pun intended) SEVERAL if not at EVERY MEETING 
    of kids getting the holy crap knocked out of them. I'm not talking regular spankings, I'm talking belts, rulers, paddles
    and wallopins. I can recall several times when my mother would drop me off at a JW house (this is when toddlers and kids
    would go and be baby sat, while parents went in service in the 70's) and would give the home owner permission to give
    physical discipline. Jesus, there was one house where the lady would beat you with a switch! Then another where they would
    beat you with a paddle! Not to mention the scores of times my friends would show their welts and bruises from JW parents
    using excessive force in discipline.
    So go sell crazy-stupid some place else you Old Hippie.
  • ashitaka

    A 12 YO girl!?!?!?!?

    That's f-d up. Glad you called child services on them. Jail time and abject humiliation does an asshole good.

    How could a grown man concieve to use a belt, on the bare behind of a pre-teen. Ugh.


  • ashitaka


    'Do you know how to smack you child'?

    I would have responded, "Can I practice on you?"


  • Scully

    Actually, belts are for holding one's pants up, not for causing welts on a child's bottom.

    Call the police. Have them charged. Make sure the newspapers know that these two are Jehovah's Witnesses. Get Children's Services involved. Offer your services as a relative, to keep the children in your care while the mother and step father get their act together.

    You'll be doing these children a huge favour - getting them away from that cult, protecting them from further harm, and showing them what it's like to be in a "normal" family.

    Love, Scully

  • Angharad


    Believe me I was tempted! I just walked off - damn what a wasted opportunity

  • Mulan
    Although it is not acceptible by any decent parents standards, but it IS NORMAL by JW standards. I was raised in that cult, and got out when I was old enough to leave home. I seen children get thrashed by hickory swithces, thorn bushes, shoes, belts, I myself was beaten with a boat paddle

    There are few areas to defend the JW's, but this comment is not typical. I attended several different congregations, during the 45 years, I was a JW, and only recall one family, that I would say hit their children excessively. I knew several who did spank, but never what was described above.

    I know of many families NOW, in the JW's, who believe spanking of any kind is wrong. I guess they watch Oprah.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Mulan, I'm afraid your experience-- happily for you and those in the congregation you attended-- was atypical for JWs, at least in my experience. You saw the quotes from the Watchtowers of the 50s. I recall one elder who had in his home a paddle stenciled ``Board of Education" which he used liberally on his sons. Of late, however, and it's a welcome change-- JW talks on parenting seem to have backed away from recommending corporal punishment.

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