Subtle change in UK Blood Policy

by caspian 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    Its me again.

    This is the second part concerning the WTBS Inc. andofficial position in

    Italy. The information can be seen in:


    DOCUMENTI : Confessioni e comunit religiose: Testimoni di Geova

    Congregazione cristiana dei testimoni di Geova, Dati statistici sui Testimoni di Geova (31 agosto 2001) Congregazione cristiana dei testimoni di Geova Atto costitutivo dell'Associazione in Italia (1985) Consiglio di Stato (Sez. I) - Parere n. 1390/86 del 30 luglio 1986 - Riconoscimento della personalit giuridica alla Congregazione Cristiana dei Testimoni di Geova
    D.P.R. n. 783 del 31 ottobre 1986 - Riconoscimento della personalit giuridica della Congregazione Cristiana dei Testimoni di Geova
    Congregazione cristiana dei testimoni di Geova Statuto in Italia (1986) Congregazione cristiana dei testimoni di Geova Lettera all'on. Nicola Mancino Presidente del Senato in risposta alla Interrogazione parlamentare del senatore Francesco Bosi e altri al Presidente del Consiglio e ai Ministri dell'Interno e per il coordinamento della protezione civile e delle Finanze sulla Intesa con la Congregazione dei Testimoni di Geova (12 novembre 1998) - 24 novembre 1998. Intesa tra la Repubblica italiana e la Congregazione cristiana dei testimoni di Geova (20 marzo 2000) Bozza di intesa tra il Governo della Repubblica Italiana e la Congregazione cristiana dei Testimoni di Geova (19 gennaio 1998)

    From all these document lets take this one:

    24 novembre 1998 Sig.
    On.le Avv. Nicola MANCINO
    Presidente del Senato della Repubblica
    Palazzo Madama
    Piazza Madama
    00186 ROMA

    Gentilissimo Signor Presidente,

    Abbiamo letto il testo di una interrogazione parlamentare rivolta da venti senatori al Presidente del Consiglio, al Ministro dellInterno e al Ministro delle Finanze, per chiedere praticamente di bloccare le trattative per la stipulazione di unintesa, ex art. 8 della Costituzione, con la confessione dei testimoni di Geova.

    Al riguardo, innanzitutto, preme rilevare alcuni aspetti inquietanti della iniziativa:

    a) Le informazioni e le censure riportate nellinterrogazione sono state gi ripetutamente presentate ed usate contro la nostra confessione religiosa dalle cosiddette organizzazioni "antisette", sulla cui natura e finalit accenneremo in seguito. Ci avvenuto sugli organi di stampa, nei convegni e in esposti a diverse autorit giudiziarie e amministrative le quali, ogni volta, hanno concluso rilevando con decreti o sentenze lassoluta infondatezza delle argomentazioni e citazioni fatte a sostegno delle accuse. Si allegano, in proposito, i decreti di archiviazione del G.I.P. dei Tribunali di Siena, di Bari, e del Tribunale Militare di Roma.[all. 1] (1) Questi decreti respingono peraltro alcune delle specifiche accuse espresse nellinterrogazione circa il voto, il servizio militare e i diritti degli espulsi.

    b) A fronte di dette informazioni e/o illazioni, la nostra confessione ha sempre puntualmente prodotto prove documentali inoppugnabili, tali da smentire in modo radicale e completo la fondatezza delle medesime e nello stesso tempo, di fronte allevidenza della realt, da scoraggiare dal riproporre le medesime argomentazioni chiunque abbia un minimo di pudore e di dignit personale e non sia completamente asservito alle finalit diffamanti che si propone di perseguire.

    So a letter from the WTBS legal representative/s to the

    Italian President of the Senat.

    Lets take the part concernin the minors and the question of transfusions:

    (from page 3 and 4 - out of the total 16 pages of the letter)

    Per quanto attiene ai pazienti minorenni, i genitori di solito non si oppongono e non ostacolano le decisioni della Magistratura quando essa eventualmente chiamata ad esprimersi sulla necessit di applicare un trattamento trasfusionale, lasciando che ci avvenga sotto la diretta responsabilit degli organi preposti a praticare detto trattamento.

    In those few lines it is said that

    : concerning the minors..the parents usually do not oppose and do not contrast the Body of Magistrates decisions when it is called to express about the necessity to apply a transfusional treatment, by allowing it to be made under the direct responsibility of the bodies assigned to perform such treatment.

    I dont think that ones need any further comment.

    Please, note also, that such official letter, was sent as an answer to various accusations made against the Jehovahs Witnesses representatives i.e. Congregazione cristiana dei Testimoni di Geova to oppose an

    eventual agreement between the Italian Government and such religious organization . As one cas see the letter is dated 24 th November 1998.

    Again the same question: how many Italians do know about this letter??

    Im sure that really few have seen the actual content.

    Thanks again to my various friends for the help and one

    big thank to Alberto.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    P.S. Feel free to ask questions or email me.

  • Jourles

    Elsewhere said:

    So long as the JW himself does not consume or inject blood it will be OK. If the Dr thinks that someone needs blood, it will be the Dr who is injecting the blood, not the JW. Who is the JW to question the actions of a Dr?

    Two things immediately came to mind when reading this. First, most hospitalized jw's who are "aware" of what is going on around them will reach for the blood product being tranfused into them and rip it out. This goes along with my second thought - they view it as being "raped" by the hospital staff.

    Of course, try to reason with a jw saying that by allowing a doctor to transfuse them is ok, as it is not up to them personally, and then equating it to a woman who is raped simply because the rapist is in control. And we all know what the WT says regarding a woman who does not try to scream or tries to get away from her dire situation.

    Is this the logic which is in place today?

    JW in hospital who recieves blood transfusion against his will = Hospital/Doctor Rape

    JW in hospital who receives blood transfusion when the HLC says it is ok = Still remains in God's favor

    Woman who is raped and tries to get away and screams but to no avail = Remains in God's favor after elder's(not God's) approval of the situation

    Woman who is raped because the rapist tells her to keep quiet or she will die, so she remains quiet = Is DF'd after elders ask probing questions about the rape ("Were you quiet? Did you scream?")

    Even I cannot understand this logic. Why should anyone else for that matter? Again, it simply shows how insane the WTS is when trying to govern people's lives.

  • RubaDub

    It will probably soon just come down to an "Amplification" of the Blood issue in which the R&F will be blamed for not having a balanced conscience. That way, we are susposed to blame ourselves for having such a narrow viewpoint over the years.

    We simply tell the doctor that we do not want blood but if it's needed then it is their responsibility for administering it, not ours. That way, everyone can "save face" and still not appear to be doing a complete 180 turn-around on the issue.


  • metatron

    This change may be in reaction to the Bulgarian Lie - AND the "Shunned Father"
    case. If so, perhaps he can find some small comfort that his fight made a difference.

    Years ago, I felt after reading about the Bulgarian Lie that the situation would turn
    out similar to the Soviet Union's signed agreement on what seemed to be an innocuous
    human rights statement. The agreement turned out to be a mistake because it exposed their
    tyranny and gave them headaches in the international media.

    So, perhaps the Society is reaping what it's sown by allowing the Bulgarian Lie to
    take place - it did SPECIFICALLY rule out blood cards, etc. for minors. That together
    with legal and media pressure may save lives.

    Never think that your exposure doesn't count - it does! Little by little, the
    cyber-guerillas are winning quiet victories.


  • minimus

    Do you think this shift is a UK thing only? Is it a testing of waters to see how things will work out, to see if it is worth implementing in other countries? (That way, we can be all fitly united)......Who says the lawyers don't run this corporation?

  • Thirdson

    I'd like to see this new directive in writing. I also like to hear Lee Elder's view and find out if he has heard of this change. Maybe I should contact the HIS on London and ask directly.


  • caspian

    Thanks for all of your posts all of them good points,

    However this does not apply to adults or older minors as such.

    As the Society have never won a single court decision which has included young children in the UK

    It seems that they don't want the bad publicity, or the expenses incurred with such proceedings.

    I don't for moment think that the GB will change official policy yet.

    What is interesting that probally 99.9% of UK JW parents are still not aware that their children can have blood by this back door method.


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