In Memory of Onyx

by SpiceItUp 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    "just a cat"

    No such thing. As you say, Onyx was part of your family and when a family member dies it is a tragedy. It is a big deal. He was a big part of your life and that needs to be grieved.

    I'm really very sorry for what happened.

    Take care,




    I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Onyx . . . I don't care what anyone says. . . pets are a big part of our lives. . .and they are sooooo sorely missed when they are gone. Like there is a gaping hole where they used to be. They have their own personalities, just like little people! It's okay to have a good cry, honey. I used to have a beautiful fluffy white Persian cat named Sheba. I still miss her and it has been four years.



  • SYN

    Sorry to hear about that,'s always sad when a much-loved pet dies...

  • Debz

    Dear sorry.....its terrible I just been through the death of my dog Molly....on 28th January.....I miss her like crazy coz she was my shadow...but I`m so sorry and can say that I do know how you must be feelings ....(((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))) DEBZ

  • Matty


    Poor Grace, she's lost her best friend and must be very confused.

    ESTEE's spot on, pets are a big part of our lives, they are always there for us to give us love when we need it. I cried my eyes out when my last cat died, and she had a good long life, Onyx was no age, it's just so sad.

  • SpiceItUp

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts. It has been a very difficult day. Grace seems calm at times (as if she knows) and sometimes she wont stop crying. Either way she has been comforting me and I her.

    Onyx is gone but he will never be forgotten.

  • ugg

    oh my,,,what horrible news.....sending hugs and cat is such a big part of my life......he is 11 years old now...i love him dearly....i am so sorry for your loss...truly heartbreaking...i so understand how you feel....

  • bikerchic


    I'm so sorry for your loss! I understand totally how endearing pets can be to us. A few months ago my pet parakeet died in my hand, the owner of the pet store where I bought him said he must have had a heart attack by the description I gave to him of how he died.

    I was overwhelmed by saddness, and his partner, friend (my other parakeet) was sad also. She called for him for days and went down to the bottom of the cage where she last saw him fall looking for him.

    I took him to a hill top near where I lived the highest place I could walk to and burried him under a palm tree, tearfully.......some day I hope to go back there and visit the spot where he rest. Gosh he was just a bird, but he brought a lot of happiness into my life.


  • nilfun
    Gosh he was just a bird, but he brought a lot of happiness into my life.

    Bikerchic hit the nail on the head.

    I can see that Onyx was more than just a cat. Like BC says, he brought a lot of happiness into your life.

    You loved him. And now that he is gone, it hurts. I remember when I lost my lil' kitty-cat, I was made to feel foolish for mourning her.

    I still miss her.

    Sending my condolences your way, Spice.

  • orangefatcat

    Spice, with all the insanity going on in this crazy mixed up world and people dying including children my heart aches for these people and there ever growing problems.

    But when a pet dies my I just get broken up too, especially cats as cats are my favorites creatures on this earth.

    My heart goes out to you and little beautiful Onyx ((((((((((Hugs)))))))))

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Orangefatcat with love.

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