In Memory of Onyx

by SpiceItUp 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot


    I'm so, so sorry for you! I know how horrible it is to lose a pet - even when my cat gets sick I'm a basket case.

    Animals give so much to us, love, laughter, comfort - of course you're hurting!!

    My condolences and hugs ((((((((((((((((((((((Spice)))))))))))))))))))))))

  • SpiceItUp

    Well its been a week. Probably almost to the hour. Can't and don't really want to think about that. I wanted to express thanks to all that have sent their condolences. It really does help knowing that others understand the important part that pets play in our lives. A good friend told me that not only did Onyx bring joy to my life but I brought it to him as well. I know that even though he didn't live very long he was indeed very happy and very much loved. A little part of my heart will always be with him.

    I went out last night to put some flowers on his grave and as I did that I saw Grace staring down at me from my room window. Then she stared down at the grave. I told Onyx that we would both watch over him. It still just doesn't cease to amaze me that a 13 pound fluffy hunk of purrs could have so much affect on me in such a short time. But he did.

    I have always said that things happen for a reason. While I still cannot comprehend the reason for this sadness and loss I still often wonder. If it weren't for Onyx my life would have been much more empty and lonly during those months. If it weren't for him I would not have taken Grace in. She was a stray that showed up and when I introduced the two of them it was love at first site.

    To those that have pets out there please cherish them everyday. Please let them know that they are more than your pet. Let them know they are part of your family and that they are loved. That is the only regret I do not have to worry about--- Onyx knew all of this and died a happy and loved friend.

    To those that don't have really don't know what you are missing.

    Thanks again for all the thoughts. Grace and I truly appreciate them.

  • teenyuck


    I am so sorry! My kitty is also named Onyx (nicknamed Skinny Kitty)...she is going on 13 years. I am dreading the day I no longer hear her meows and purrs.

    I wish I could say more....I am going to hug both kitties and let them know (again) that I love them. They are apart of our family and my husband dotes on them.



  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I'm sorry Spice. My buddy "Bouncer" died last April, and I still miss him.

  • mouthy

    Yes I am sorry also/I know the pain of losing part of the family- I had a Samyoed for 17 years -Broke my heart when she went....

  • Jim_TX


    Animals - pets, if you will - are very much a part of our lives. I am sorry for your loss.

    You will never 'replace' him, but you will have other feline friends.

    I miss my animals. I know for a fact, that the last trip I made for my things, one of the cats (Bug) wanted to come with me. He tried his best to stay in my little pickup truck that I was there to get. *sigh*

    I had to gingerly pick him up and set him down outside. Whereupon he got upset and ran away growling at me over his shoulder.

    I have not seen him, or the other animals since.

    I hope you get another cat - to be a playmate for Grace. Pets need pals.

    Fond Regards,


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