From page 130 of Eric Michael Wilson's book, we read:
"According to the translation of the VAT 4956 tablet, during Year 37, Month 1 of Nebuchnezzar, King of Babylon, Saturn was in front of the Swallow. The Swallow is the region of the night sky we now call Pisces. The night sky is divided into 12 regions. Saturn passes through all of them on its 29.4 year-long orbit.
"That means that Saturn takes 2.42 years to move through each of the 12 constellations. Once Saturn moves out of Pisces, it will not return there for another 27 years. According to Babylonian astronomers, Saturn was in Pisces in Nebuchadnrzzar's 37th year which astrologists set at 568 BCE.
"Running our SkySafari Plus program and setting the time and date to Friday, April 22, 568 BC, 1:00 AM, location: Baghdad, we get an image showing the planet Saturn within the Pisces (Fish) constellation (Figure 16)."