Hi Everyone,Blueblades here! Please tell me your story.At this stage of your life do you find yourself moving toward God,away from God or staying the same? Thank You.
Your Story
by Blueblades 17 Replies latest jw friends
Witch Child
I would say at this point in my life I am moving toward god. As with many exjws it is a healing process. Religion is still.... well, It's tough to put it into words...
Since I'm in the process of getting out. I find myself moving away from God. After all this its kind of hard to just jump right back in to another religion.
I feel MUCH closer to Jesus Christ =who IS GOD!!!
God and I have worked out an understanding: HE is very busy and so am I. We help each other out, when we can!!!
So, in my quest to improve myself (and the world, if I can), I move closer to God.
In the meantime, it is obvious that the WTS is moving further away from God in their attempt to replace Him.
I don't believe in God, so I can't move in relation to a non-existent entity.
Cue "you're wandering aimlessly without purpose comments".
Well i would like to say that after a year out i am still coming to terms with 'is there or isn't there' - i still am unsure and i think i always will be..... maybe i was never convinced. Dad should have spent a bit more time explaining i am afraid.
Thanks everyone.I don't find myself doing any of the moving at all.I'm not even staying the same as I was as a J W. As I stand still and search deep down within myself I now find an emptiness when it comes to God, why this is as it is I don't know.
Blueblades, once again, good question.
Personally, I had wanted to move towards, but eventually, and on my own personal journey, I began to move away.
Now I'm so far away, moving to or even far away, is out of the question. I'm out of the picture with god.
At this stage of your life do you find yourself moving toward God,away from God or staying the same?
Well, you realize this question implies that you are separate from God right?
If I make the statement I am moving towards or away from something, then that implies distance, whether it's relatively close or far apart. When you have these ideas in your head, it becomes moving towards or away from another thought, (relative to the thought called "me") whereas all these thoughts (or feelings, same principle) are in your head, it's all in you. Just consider though: If God is by definition omnipresent and everywhere, then you actually CAN'T move toward or away from God can you? The question then becomes simply what's going on with you, which is where we have to start from after all.