My goodness this is the funniest thread I have ever read. Can't beat a fart thread it always makes me giggle.
by nightwarrior 37 Replies latest jw experiences
My goodness this is the funniest thread I have ever read. Can't beat a fart thread it always makes me giggle.
How to make a meeting end sooner than expected.
I was at our congregation book study as a young pre-teen. The study was totally boring. The conductor's daughter was sitting with me, a little 3 year old. She says to me, "Blondie, I have to let wind." Thinking how much wind can a 3 year old have, I said, "Go ahead." It sounded like a kazoo the size of Texas was blown then dead silence. The reader got the nervous laughs. Then the conductor. No one could control themselves. So the meeting ended 20 minutes early.
So a little bit of farting makes the meeting not so long (to the tune of A Spoonful of Sugar Helps The Medicine Go Down).
Edited by - Blondie on 1 February 2003 21:37:24
Hello everyone,
thanks for the many " funny moments".
I'll give one of the best in my experience.
There was this brother who could really pack
a strong, fast and a very loud ones...and guess
what his nickname was "...winchester.."
obviously not the cathedral. His best one was
at the end of an answer concerning the heavenly
organization and the angels..." .. very
fast moving beings,..with a lot of power.."
and in that moment a " loud and sharp shot"
was heard in the hall...!
Well many of us were in tears for quite a long
time...and "winchester " ...well he remained
quite for a while.
I do believe that some "fun" it's energy for the body.
Greetings, J.C. MacHislopp
Well I am so glad that my husband has such a disgusting mind LOL
Actually, we were sat behind one little do gooder family, when during the song, 'Loyal Love' the daughter, al of 6 yrs old, was singing all operatic LOL.... well that was bad enough to make us giggle, then worst of all during the prayer, she let out one loud stink bomb.... well that was it, we were lost... my mascara ran, the kids were literally wetting themselves laughing, and trying to be quiet all at the same time.... then to beat it all, after the prayer finished, she asked her mother if she liked her singing..... oh we laughed all day....
Worst of it, was that she liked our younger son, and all she could do was lean over the back of the chair and try and speak to him... he was disgusted!!!!!!!
Oh well, Mrs nightwarrior
FUNNY THREAD! We had an elder and his wife that would converse and "fart" at the same time. These were not the silent types, either! (the farts, that is). The elder would often counsel someone and literally, "fart in their face". Both husband and wife would act as if NOTHING happened at all. It got bad though, when they were in a service car.....I guess that's why they always tended to do their own return visits alone.
ROTFLMAO.....This thread is funny....oh my gosh
Kudos to Marvin and MacHislopp for making me laugh out loud!!!
hahahahaha - Marvin - you are hillarious!!