BIG TEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Jesika 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    Get off line and CALL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just got off phone with Nina and I need to talk to you.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Why? Knowing me I'll just screw that up too.

  • Jesika

    I needed to explain something to you, but since you didn't call me, I am headed out the door to grab a beer with Clint.

    I was hoping to talk to you before I left.

    Don't be hard on yourself. I will call you tonite after I get home. It may be a little late, but I will call you at work.

    edited to add, I tried to call but it was still busy.

    Edited by - jesika on 31 January 2003 15:44:49

  • Brummie
    Knowing me I'll just screw that up too.

    Hey !

    Thats my portion in life...use yer own.

    Brummie ...hope all's well class

  • onacruse

    BigTex, and are 2 of the coolest guys in this forum.

    Guess I better take both of you off "ignore," eh? LOL


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Maybe it's better if I leave. I seem to have gotten some friends very angry with me. That was never my intent. All I feel right now is sick at the pit of my stomach and very very very embarrassed. My hands are shaking.

    I just can't seem to do anything right. I'm a failure at everything. God, all I want to do is just crawl away. Why am I so stupid?

  • Valis

    Big Tex, sir are you out of your mind? leave because you pissed someone off? *LOL* Son, if I left cuz I pissed people off it would have been a long time ago. You can call me if you wanna talk about it...and I would like to know if it has anything else to do with other goings on...please do call when you have a free moment.


    District Overbeer

  • bikerchic

    Hey Big Tex,

    Please email onacruse asap!



  • nilfun

    Big Tex, I hope you don't mean to leave the forum!

    Obviously, I have no way of knowing just what is the matter here, or why your friends are angry with you.


    Having pissed off friends does not mean you're stupid/a failure/can't do anything right.

    I hope it all gets sorted out okay and you're smiling again soon....

    ((((((Big Tex))))))

  • Gizmo

    Gee, I don't know how Big Tex could ever offend anyone, all the posts I have read of yours, always seem to be so supportive and kind, well it's none of my business Big Tex, but if it's any consolation dude I don't think you're Stupid at all, quite the opposite actually.

    Tomorrow IS another day!

    Take care

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