My Introduction

by Loris 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Loris

    This is my introduction. I was baptized July 9, 1965 in San Diego, California. I submitted my letter of Disassociation in July, 2002. 37 years of my life devoted to a carefully contrived lie. I gave three of my children to the lie (baptized in the lie). One is currently studying the lie. One obsesses that she is not good enough for the lie. Three others never completely bought the lie. I am so thankful that my children were not taken away by the lie. The ones that are baptized are no longer attending meetings. The one that is studying goes to some meetings. The PO is the one studying with her.

    My journey out began with Dateline which led to Silentlambs. Someone mentioned the UN scandal and I asked a question which quickly was answered. Things snowballed from there. I presented all of the information I had gathered to my eight children. They had different reactions which was to be expected. The three baptized ones stopped going to meetings at the same time I did. The PO and my BSC came to the house because I wrote a letter of protest to the GB. They wanted my family to leave the room while they talked with me. I dismissed the unbaptized daughter and granddaughter but my baptized son and daughter stayed. I said to the PO, "If I had a husband you would not dare to come to my house and insist that he leave the room while you spoke to me. Since I do not have a husband I choose my son as a substitute spiritual head. He will stay. Since I would try to repeat everything said later to my daughter, she will stay so that nothing is misquoted later." That meeting lasted 2-1/2 hours. I agreed to not spred it throughout the congregation.

    The next meeting, which was also at my house because I refused to go to the KH, was about one hour. That time only my son was there. It was called because a sister, who claimed to be my dear friend, had seen my letter to the editor of Newsweek. They were upset because I had not remained quiet enough to suit them. I was asked the all important question, "Do you believe that the Watchtower is God and the GB will rule the universe as his representative?" I hadnt gotten that far into my research yet so I was able to dance around the answer.

    I wrote a letter to an old friend who had moved far away. We had reconnected and she wanted to know what had gone on in my life since we were extra close sisters. Well, by that time my research into the ugly rotten inner workings of the Watchtower Bilge and Trash Society was going full swing. Of course I was sure that my good friend and sister would want to know the Truth. Not!!! I got another visit from the two inquisitors. I cut the meeting short. They did not even open or close with prayer.

    I knew that my time was short so I composed a letter of Disassociation. I sent a copy to the GB, the body of elders of my KH and to the few friends I would miss most by leaving. I got a call from the PO, he said that brother BSC was on three way, I was told that the announcement would be made the next service meeting. End of 37 years. What a roller coaster ride!

    So now I am here, alive and well and never happier.

  • calamityjane

    Welcome aboard. You'll feel welcomed here.

  • pr_capone

    Thank you for sharing your story with us Loris! You will more comfort and help here than you could ever want. The Dateline story was a big reason that many of the people that frequent the board are here, lurkers included.

    Kick back, relax, and enjoy your stay here!

    Welcome home


    P.S. Did you lurk at all before deciding to post?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Loris, hey, it's great to know that others who have been taken for a long ride to no where are expressing their inner feelings, and you DID something about it. It really blows your mind away to learn how they spew out love and don't practice it. Oh well, such is life. I know you have a lot of stories to share, WELCOME.

    Guest 77

  • cruzanheart

    Welcome, Loris! I think we were sort of neighbors in 1965! I was baptised May 24, 1965, in Anaheim, CA. My last meeting was in May 2002. I haven't done a formal disassociating because I still have friends and one family member (my dad) in it. My sweet husband (Big Tex) left about 15 years ago and has patiently waited for me to catch up.

    You'll enjoy the forum and we're delighted to have you!


  • Loris

    We were closer neighbors than you thought. In '65 I was in the Huntington Beach Cong. I was baptized at a large convention in San Diego. I never lived there. I was in the Garden Grove Cong in 1968-1969. Then we moved to Florida.


  • Pleasuredome

    welcome loris!!!! its nice to have you aboard!

  • ring

    welcome to the board loris

  • happyout

    Welcome,and thanks for sharing your story. May I applaud your bravery in stating what you believed in your heart, despite knowing what those people would try to do to you. I am amazed all the time by these stories of courage, and hope one day my family will have their own stories to tell of leaving.

    See you around, I'm sure.


  • scumrat



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