Reaching 40, whats all that about!

by Brummie 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Brummie

    Nice thoughts Razor. Seems turning 40 is a positive experience for many...I think I'm looking forward to it now.

    Blondie sorry to hear of your brother in law, so young.

    NoMoreJW Sorry to hear of your friend, we lost a friend in similar circumstances, hope you are coping with it ok.


  • larc

    Fourty was a bad year for me. My father died of cancer in the spring of that year. A month later, my mother found out she had cancer. Two months later, I found out I had a medical problem. By birthday time in October, I had thoughts of the grim reaper. By comparison, turning 50 and 60 were a peace of cake. I am now retired and having a great time. My mind does not seen any older than it was when I was 20, but the bod is slowing down some, but not a whole lot either. I think I can still beat my son at table tennis, if I could only remember his name and phone number..... hee hee.

  • Debz

    40...Hmmm yes well thats been gone some time for me....certainly emotionally I feel I`ve moved through tons of issues and actually believe I`m wiser for it...I actually remember when I was a kid working out that in the year 2000 I would be 40 and it seemed like a lifetime away, amazing how quick that time goes! The other thing is that at 40 family responsibilities lessen and free`s you up to do more for you - I like that - I must admit after years of raising 3 children......can be a good quality time of life.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey Debz, I used to think exactly the same thing. I used to think "In 2000 I'll be 44...itll never happen". And I used to try and imagine what kind of hell it could possibly feel like to be that old. And here we are. Its long gone. lol.

  • wednesday

    Tom T. Hall , a country westren singer and writer from the 70' had a song on his album "called "I'm 40 now'. He also had one that he felt summed up what men wanted as they got older:"Faster horses, younger women, older wiskey, more money". Then George jones had one on aging that went in part like this"keep your Gertol, and medicare, I aint ready for the rocking chair.." then old George had another called the "corvette song" he sings about this beauty, and u think it is the car, and in the end he says that it's not the car that turned him on,it was the brunette in the front seat.

    I freaked when i turned 40- now i laugh at that. I can't imagine why i ever believed it was old. u can stay young by staying active and keeping your mind active. Accept change or go crazy.I don't mean i love all the changes that come with aging. Age can play havoc with your body. But i'm gald to have made it this far, and this is what i look like now. I don't look 20, but that is ok. After 40 is such a time of enlightment. My doc says he going to try and have as much fun as he can before he dies. I like that.

  • NoMoreJW

    Brummie, Thanks for your kindness. It was a shock because he was so full of life but I feel most sorry for his young family.

    Larc, I`m glad to see you havent lost your sense of humor with age!

    I still feel 18 in my mind (even though I might act 12 sometimes!) and as everyone has said, I intend to stay young by having fun!

  • Sadie5

    Just before I turned 40, I was totally surprised finding out I was going to have our fifth child. It was strange when I went to doctor's office and we had to put down our birth dates. As I signed in most of the other expectant mom's were the age of my oldest child.

    I always said I didn't want to change diapers in my 40's but I did and I was so glad for the chance to be a mommy one last time. Having him has kept both my husband and myself thinking young,(I don't know about feeling young, sometimes it's draining with little kids but we enjoy it)

    I'm just a few years from 50 now and will enjoy that decade too.


  • DakotaRed

    40 was a breeze, other than both my daughters gave me a birthday spanking and somehow, conveniently lost count. Maybe paybacks? I wondered about 50 and woke up feeling exactly the same. I also wondered when my second childhood was coming, until I realised I never left the first one, so no need for a second one.

    I'm 55 this year, September also, and my mind still tells me I'm a teenager. However, my body seems to reply, Oh yeah? Well, feel this. I have to agree with who it was that said to enjoy your age, no matter what it is. It's what we have, so no need worrying about it.

    Lew W

  • SheilaM

    Not 40 yet but I have never lied about my age, not that I don't get upset and sometimes women get mad cause I am older but they don't think I look older<I guess that is MY fault>.

    So I am on the edge 39 as of January 24th, no I don't feel this old but I am so thanful I am

  • TheOldHippie

    When I reached 40, I felt really sick for months, feeling my life had come to an end, that I had less than half left of it etc. It seems like a couple of years ago - but now I have reached 50. Hell, those 10 years have disappeared right between my fingers! NOW I am beginning to feel REAL PANIC!

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