Let me start by saying that I deplore much of the teachings of the Watchtower and am convinced that it is not "the Truth." Either through ignorance, error or deliberate action they have caused great heartache for thousands and unknown heartache for millions. I have thoroughly disconnected myself from their teachings and would rightly speak out against what I know to be harmful in that organization.
That being said I have to make an observation which I hope is shared by others: do ex-JWs sometimes go "overboard" in their criticisms of the Society? Are ALL derogretory comments of the JWs to be taken seriously? Is there NOTHING good about the organization or it's teachings?
It saddens me when I see former witnesses who engage in the same black/white, "us" versus "them" type of thinking that we had as witnesses. We used to think that the world was the "bad guy" and, now that we are out of it, the organization becomes an "evil empire." I feel there is a fundamental falacy in such simplistic thinking. Worse yet, for those doubting JWs who have the courage to actually start investigating their beliefs such unwarrented or overblown criticisms seething with hatred could have the effect the JW leadership wants: the witness will walk away thinking that all "apostates" are liars who are full of hatred.
I know this is not true. But, when I occassionaly visit websites that portray the organization or the GB in the most unflattering of light, even using arguments that are not based on fact, I am deeply dismayed. For instance, on one website I visited a while ago the site owners listed everything "you can't do as a JW." One of the things listed..."watching fireworks." Now, I don't know about you but I often watched fireworks as a JW, especially after baseball games or at amusement parks etc. I've even sat next to a circuit overseer watching a fireworks display. To report that such activity is not allowed is not even a half truth; it is a lie. (Doubtless the site owners were exagerating the fact that JWs would not celebrate the US Independence Day. Evidently they did not report this fact to enhance their case against the Society)
Another thread on a different forum reported that the JWs were listed as one of the top ten companies by Fortune 500. The general idea floated around that the JW organization is collecting millions from the public and it's members and is engaged in the most duplicitous of financial practices. All of this is utter hogwash.
Reason and logic got me out of the Society. But these same abilities will prevent me from making unwarrented attacks and generalizations which might do nothing but damage my credibility in my assesment of the organization. By the way, I have no problem with sarcasm or humor directed against the Society, I engage in it often myself. But in making a public criticism of the organization or in making an accusation it is important to stay balanced. (Geez, now I'm starting to sound like the WT!)
My point is not that the Society should not be criticised, but that only valid criticisms supported by undeniable evidence and presented in a logical, coherent and emotionally detached manner should be cited. Not everything the Society does is bad or dishonest. The cold hard fact is that the majority of JWs, even the top management, are misdirected zealots who are unaware of many facts and are generally incapable of using non-witness logic (this includes the GB). As Ray Franz once wrote, "we are victims of victims." Perhaps realizing this more will affect the way we criticize the organization.