doubtless many of us have been to assemblies, and every May the KM would come out with an insert about what you were expected to do and how to act.
reviewing the km's over the years , you can see the NEGATIVE positve "councel".
how to dress, how to act, howt to TIP!
here we go. after reading this, doesn't it just want to make you run to attend the next D.C. ? to be among Gods (translated=Watchtower) clean, loyal, moral, upright FOLLOWERS?
*** km 5/98 4 1998 "God's Way of Life" District and International Conventions ***
Attire That Honors Jehovah:
13 A 16-year-old Witness related that when she and her brother went to a restaurant one evening after the sessions, they noticed that some of the brothers and sisters who were there had changed into inappropriate attire.
*** km 5/97 4 1997 "Faith in God's Word" District Convention ***
Each year, the Society receives reports that some of our children are unsupervised in and around the swimming pool or are seen running in hallways and public areas of hotels. One manager who stayed overnight at his hotel was awakened twice after 11:00 p.m. by groups of our children knocking on each room door looking for other Witnesses.
14 If a hotel provides a complimentary breakfast during your stay, you should not see this as an opportunity to stock up for the noon meal. Hotels have reported that some of our brothers and sisters have come down with plastic bags and filled them with fruit, Danish pastries, and bagels to be consumed later, leaving little for the other guests. Such hotel amenities are provided as a courtesy for guests while at the hotel and must not be abused. To take more than what you will eat during your breakfast meal would really demonstrate a greedy spirit, and it is also dishonest. If an improper attitude on the part of fellow Witnesses is observed, it would be a kindness to remind them of how they should be acting. Also remember, no cooking is to be done in hotel rooms unless they are equipped with a kitchen for that purpose. If you bring an ice chest to your room, please be sure it does not leak or sweat and damage the carpet, furniture, or walls of the room.
*** km 5/96 4 1996 "Messengers of Godly Peace" District Convention ***
One traveling overseer reported that the children of Jehovahs Witnesses need more supervision at hotels. Some have been seen running in the hallways, riding up and down in the elevators, making a lot of noise around the swimming pool, and staying in the pool well past the posted closing time, thus disturbing the sleep of other guests. We need to train our children to understand that Christian conduct is not on a time schedule. It does not end when we walk out of the convention facility. It must last 24 hours a day. Our conduct at the hotel, in restaurants, and on the streets should be as honorable as when we are sitting down during the sessions with our brothers, being taught by Jehovah.
*** km 5/95 4 1995 "Joyful Praisers" District Convention ***
14 We wish all the reports received were similar, but sadly, that is not the case. One convention chairman observed: After sessions, many of the teenagers congregate in large numbers in the [hotel] lobby late at night, laughing loudly and yelling. This disturbs other guests . . . , who appear irritated. Some young ones run in the corridors, slamming doors as they visit one anothers rooms and talk very loudly in the rooms.
*** km 5/94 4 1994 "Godly Fear" District Convention ***
15 In some locations, children have abused the use of swimming pools. They have got involved in unruly play, remaining in the pool after closing time. Usually this has resulted from having very little or no adult supervision.
*** km 5/91 4 Arrange Now to Attend the 1991 "Lovers of Freedom" District Convention ***
13 While we may be concerned with saving money, we should not knowingly neglect those who expect tips for services rendered.
14 It is a matter of some concern to motel managers that some Witnesses have checked out of motels and left their rooms in an unsightly condition. Cleanliness and consideration should be manifested not just in our dress and conduct but also in the way we treat the property of others. Is there any reason why a rented room should not be left neat and clean? Do not waste ice provided by the motel or use motel ice machines to fill picnic chests to take to the convention. This deprives other guests of their share. Inconsiderate behavior mars our good name. At the coming district conventions, all of us should make it our resolve to conduct ourselves so as to adorn the teaching of our Savior, God, in all things.
*** km 5/91 5 Arrange Now to Attend the 1991 "Lovers of Freedom" District Convention ***
17 In some cases children have been left unsupervised in motel swimming pools while the parents are in the room, out to dinner, or involved in some other activity. This is not proper. Some children have acted in an undisciplined and unruly manner and have even been disrespectful to older brothers and sisters who have tried to correct them in a kindly way. Such unruliness and conduct unbefitting Christians is often the result of permissiveness and a lack of discipline in the home. It should certainly be corrected. All Christian parents should give close supervision to their children at all times as they bring them up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah.
*** km 5/90 4 Come to the 1990 "Pure Language" District Convention ***
17 However, it is disturbing to see that a few attending the conventions have become unduly casual in their attitude, dress, speech, and conduct. What can be done when such things become evident in the local congregation or at a convention? Those who have spiritual qualifications should offer loving counsel with a view to readjustment.
But I was disappointed by the adults talking loudly while the speaker was speaking.
*** km 5/90 4 Come to the 1990 "Pure Language" District Convention ***
19 It has also been observed that at some conventions a few teenagers sit in upper portions or remote areas of the auditorium, pass notes, whisper, and generally do not pay attention to the program. Conduct of this nature indicates that they still need parental supervision and should be seated with the family. Responsible parents will give attention to these matters and provide the guidance needed by their children. (Eph. 6:4) Brothers, sisters, and young ones should appreciate that when the program is on, it is a time to be listening, not talking.
23 After attending last years district convention, a sister received a letter from the maid who cleaned her hotel room. It said, I would just like to thank you for leaving your booklet and tip for me. . . . Thanks to you, I am now having Bible studies and learning to appreciate our Father Jehovah and his Only-Begotten, Jesus Christ. . . . I am happy you enjoyed your stay at our hotel. I hope to see you at the next convention. The maid had underlined the words booklet and tip in her letter.
25 There are motels that no longer want to rent their rooms to Jehovahs Witnesses because some have violated regulations prohibiting the cooking of food. Another complaint is that brothers have checked out of motels, leaving their rooms in an unsightly condition. Cleanliness and consideration should be manifested not just in our dress and conduct but also in the way we treat the property of others. Is there any reason why a rented room should not be left neat and clean? Inconsiderate behavior mars our good name. During the coming district conventions, let all of us strive to conduct ourselves so as to adorn the teaching of our Savior, God, in all things.
28 In some cases children have been left unsupervised in motel swimming pools while the parents are in the room, out to dinner, or involved in other activity. This is not proper. Some children have acted in an undisciplined and unruly manner and even have been disrespectful to older brothers and sisters who have tried to correct them in a kindly way. Such unruliness and conduct unbefitting Christians is often the result of permissiveness and a lack of discipline in the home. It certainly should be corrected. All Christian parents should give close supervision to their children at all times as they bring them up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah.
*** km 5/89 5 You Are Invited to the 1989 "Godly Devotion" District Convention! ***
21 There are motels that no longer want to rent their rooms to Jehovahs Witnesses because some did not comply with cooking regulations. There were reports of Witnesses bringing microwave ovens, electric pots, frying pans, and so forth, for cooking meals in their rooms. In some cases the use of such cooking utensils created electrical problems for the building due to current overload. Motel managers say that the food odor remained in the rooms for days, and as a result, subsequent guests refused to stay in the rooms.
22 Another matter of concern is the fact that some have checked out of motels, leaving their rooms in an unsightly condition. Evidently, some who purchase food to eat in their rooms have been careless. Food residue has been found on the furniture, carpet, and walls. Large amounts of food garbage and paper trash, such as food containers, bags, and cups, have been left in the rooms. All such inconsiderate behavior has marred our good name and does not reflect our godly devotion. During the coming district conventions, let us all strive to conduct ourselves so as to adorn the teaching of our Savior, God, in all things.
25 In some cases parents have left their children unsupervised in motel swimming pools while they are in the room, out to dinner, or involved in other activity. There are reports of children being so rowdy in the pool that the management had to close it early. This adversely affected the privileges of non-Witness guests also. In other instances, children remained in the pool well beyond closing time. Young ones have been left without proper adult supervision in the rooms to watch television but later have been found creating problems while playing with the elevators, running around in the lobby and corridors, and throwing buckets of ice down the corridors. Such unruliness and conduct unbefitting Christians is often the result of permissiveness and a lack of discipline in the home.
26 One motel manager who observed such conduct was moved to write a letter to all of the Witnesses staying in his motel as follows: Over the past evening or two, there have been many children running freely around the hotel and swimming pool area. . . . Also, there has been much property damage of the hotel facilities. Anyone found damaging hotel property will be arrested. Children . . . are not allowed to run freely about the hotel (for their protection). They must be escorted by their parents. Their escort may not be an older [fleshly] brother or sister. True godly devotion should motivate parents to give close supervision to their children at all times as they bring them up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah.
*** km 5/86 5 1986 "Divine Peace" District Convention ***
21 All of us should be alert to maintain a high standard of Christian conduct when staying at motels and hotels while in the convention city. Rather than being in a socially festive mood, we ought to demonstrate a spiritual frame of mind and conduct ourselves as ministers.
22 Some problems have been reported. A number of teenage Witnesses staying at one motel spent much time on the tennis court, on walkways, and in break-dancing to the accompaniment of loud music. A sister who is employed at another motel reported that she was embarrassed because of the questionable conduct of some of Jehovahs Witnesses who stayed there. There appeared to be an excessive amount of drinking, and some rooms were left in a very unclean condition. A bad impression was left with the management. While these may be isolated incidents, it helps all of us to see the need to be careful about our personal conduct and the impression we give to others.
23 It must also be remembered that as Christians we must conduct ourselves honestly at all times. We should not want to take linen or other souvenirs from motels, as this is stealing; nor should we be untruthful in reporting how many persons we plan to have in a room when making reservations. Faithfulness to Jehovahs righteous standards, even in little things, will result in a good witness.Luke 16:10.
24 While away from home, we may eat in restaurants or be provided with services by hotel or motel personnel. The inserts of the May 1981 and 1980 Our Kingdom Service provided good direction on the matter of tipping. While fast-food eating establishments do not provide waiter service and so no tipping is expected, it is usually the local custom when eating in restaurants to leave a generous and appropriate tip for waiter services. (Prov. 11:25) Individual tipping may be the major source of income for the person rendering personal services. If you are not sure as to what is expected in this regard, you could inquire. We do not want to take such things for granted or demonstrate thoughtlessness that could reflect unfavorably upon Jehovahs name people.
*** km 5/84 4-5 1984 "Kingdom Increase" District Convention ***
The matter of conduct while staying in motels or hotels is one of them. We are still receiving reports that indicate a need to give closer attention to our conduct and that of our children. Some managers still complain that children and teenagers are noisy and unruly, being unsupervised by their parents while using the swimming pool and other facilities. Additionally some brothers have broken rules in regard to cooking in rooms. Some motel owners tell us this is a common abuse of their facilities. Not only have they had the rooms physically damaged, but the lingering odors prevented them from renting the rooms for days or weeks afterward. Unless the cooking of food is specifically permitted, it should not be done. A real effort should be made to cooperate fully with the management. Certainly we do not want to leave an unfavorable opinion of Jehovahs people. Whether at the convention site or while staying at the various motels or hotels, we should at all times reflect righteous standards.