What advantage did you have over others in your congregation that helped you look spiritual?
Health Advantage?
Social Advantage?
Financial Advantage?
Intellectual Advantage?
Edited by - jh on 3 February 2003 19:57:14
by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends
What advantage did you have over others in your congregation that helped you look spiritual?
Health Advantage?
Social Advantage?
Financial Advantage?
Intellectual Advantage?
Edited by - jh on 3 February 2003 19:57:14
So many enjoyed good health and performed while some fellow witnesses were sick and didn't seem spiritual because they didn't have the health to produce. That was all an illusion.
Edited by - jh on 3 February 2003 17:8:4
Advantage in the congregation?? For a "Sister"??? You've got to be kidding.
Love, Scully
~Looking perplexed~ 'A sister', as in an adult sister?
Advantage as in a positive gain?
Initial response: bwahhhhhhhhhhh, he said Advantage! (j/k)
Hey scully ,
Nice chit chattin'; the other nite in chat here with hawkEYE. It was enjoyable, to say the least.
Have you been able to get a hold of my number yet and thusly, secured a time that is convenient for phoning? Please, take your time. No hurry...KINDA!
DINO: ARE YOU OKAY? DO NOT TOUCH ANY TOXIC PIECES OF THE SHUTTLE MY FRIEND! And please call me asap, when you are ABLE. No rush please. Love ya.
Advantage??????????????? WTF??????????
Education resulting in better reasoning skills, knowledge, brains.
Strangely though, some people frowned upon my education while others practically consulted me for everything remotely scientific.
Brains? Viv, that must have made you feel very lonely in your congegration.
"Questions of readers: are brains allowed for christians? Answer: Using your brains is showing a serious lack of respect for the ones Jesus has appointed to do the thinking for you. Brains are just for cooling the blood, a good christian leaves it at that. "
Edited by - greven on 3 February 2003 5:51:13
"Questions of readers: are brains allowed for christians? Answer: Using your brains is showing a serious lack of respect for the ones Jesus has appointed to do the thinking for you. Brains are just for cooling the blood, a good christian leaves it at that. "LMAO
Hey, Scully and Skally!
THIS sister had an advantage over others in the congregation that she would have lost in the New System: the ability to be able to do things with/for her children that other Witness kids were prohibited (or discouraged) from doing because she had an unbelieving mate! LOL
Other than that, JH, why, er.... NO!!!! Seesters had NO advantages! Like the 'privilege' of cleaning up the crumbs and spills after Goodies Night (after having baked said goodies earlier in the day) was an "advantage?" BWAHahahahahahahahahah!