And this Perry is what you get when you go to and look for scientific articles with the phrase "global warming":
[BOOK][B] Possible climatic consequences of a man-made global warming
comes to realize that this influence is not so much felt as a variation of the average values of
global climate, such as temperature and pressure. Of concern is instead a change in the ...
[CITATION][C] Global warming(atmospheric temperature variations in Northern Hemisphere)
[CITATION][C] Estimates of a combined greenhouse effect as background for a climate scenario during global warming
centers; For contributors; Acceptable use policy. Feedback: Search help. Translate with
Translator. This translation tool is powered by Google. AGRIS ...
[CITATION][C] Possible climatic consequences of a man-made global warming. International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg (Österreich)
[CITATION][C] Possible climatic consequences of a man-made global warming, 81 (IIASA)
[CITATION][C] Possible climatic consequences of a man-made global warming. Intern. Inst. Applied Systems Analysis
[CITATION][C] How a global warming could change the geographical future
[CITATION][C] Possible climatic consequences of a man-made global warming: energy systems analysis
Potential Consequences of a Global Warming'
the atmosphere will warm the earth, the time-scale involved in this change depends on how
mankind uses fossil fuel in the future. It is concluded that mean climatic conditions could ...