How can the catholic eat jesus body , won`t you say this has something to do with cannabalism?? Why can they sacricfic jesus everytime they have mass, and how many time does jesus has to be hung on the cross?? Thank you for some answers biblically God bless |
Why Catholic believe eating Jesus literally?
by evangelist 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Communion is made from people!
Thanks for writing. It looks from your picture that you were once or are currently in the military. I'm a soldier myself. Thanks for your service.
Jesus said "Who ever eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink." John 6:54-55
and again,
"Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them saying, 'This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.' And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you." Luke 22:19-20.
Paul tell us, "Therefore, whoever eat the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily wil have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord." 1 Cor 11:27.
Now, Jesus, at the Last Supper, said do this, what he had just done. If the bread and wine Jesus offered was his body and blood, then what we as Catholics offer also is the body and blood of Christ. We do not sacrafice Jesus over and over again, rather, the one sacrafice of Jesus Christ is made present to us.
God, who created time, is not subject to time. God experiences everything as present to himself. Therefore, we are allowed into this divine mystery when the priest convects the mass and the one sacrafice of Jesus is made present. It is NOT a resacraficing of Jesus, since he died once for all.
Further, we receive not just Jesus flesh, in the Eucharist we recieve Jesus, body blood soul and divinity. We join in the sacrafice Jesus offers to the Father, we fulfill our role as a royal nation and holy priesthood by offering our worthless life our "filthy rags" up along with Jesus who offers the father his perfect and LIVING sacrafice.
Hope that helps.
BTT Just because.
OKAY, I'll bite no pun intended.
From the scripture below, what is your take on "whom" or "Who" is worthy and who is not? What do you believe this scripture is saying?
Paul tell us, "Therefore, whoever eat the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily wil have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord." 1 Cor 11:27.
From the scripture below, what is your take on "whom" or "Who" is worthy and who is not? What do you believe this scripture is saying?
Paul tell us, "Therefore, whoever eat the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily wil have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord." 1 Cor 11:27.
PLM, It would have been funnier had you said "pun intended"
Anyhow, this is, generally speaking, a personal issue as Paul goes on to say one must discern the body (and NOT in the JW sense of the "annointed"). One who lacks faith, or is unrepentant of sin or who has not confessed serious sin, who is not in union with the body of Christ, would be unworthy. But, like I said, for the most part that is an individual's own call. Notorious public sinners should (and sometimes are) barred from communion.
To have an abortion doctor receive communion would be scandalous. In short anyone who has been deemed publically to have excommunicated themselves or been excommunicated should be barred. There are very view of those.
The sacrements of bread and wine representing the flesh and blood of a slain savior were part of cultic practice centuries beore Christianity. Devotees of Attis, Mithra, Dionysus, Zoroaster and others ceremonially partook of a Eucharist as a way to attain "oneness" with the Savior now gone. Zoraster it is said ate his last meal with his followers and instructed them to continue this practice after his death. (6th century B.C.)
So obvious was the pagan origin of this practice and most all other Christian teachings that Pagan theologians of the time often derided Chistianity as a copy of their own. This in itself would not have upset them, as they saw their own faith as indebted to earlier ones, if the Christians had not insisted that paganism was evil and demon inspired. The standard reply from Christian apologists was that the Devil had possessd foreknowledge of God's plan and so preemptively made counterfeit religions to conceal the uniqueness of Christianity. Others suggested that God used the pagans to "prophesy" about the Christ through their cult practices. And so interpreted this way the Christian commadeering of pagan concepts and practices were seen as in reality only more "proof" of Christianity's superiority.
To learn more just search :pagan origins of christianity or similar wording on the web. then read a book or two on the subject.
Yerusalyim, thanks for your input on that. I pretty-much agree with that. It is interesting though how the GB over the years have gone from "all" baptized christians, to "only" those baptized as JWs, to "Only" those chosen by Christ to be resurected as the bride of Christ, to "Only" those chosen and approved by the GB. Wonder what will be next, back to square one, or "Only" those who live to be 100 years old. LOL!
A Paduan
UnworthiLY - rather than unworthy - everyone's unworthy.
There is nothing new under the sun. It's easier for me to see the Eucharistic connection to the Passover than to pagan practices. Having said that, there is to my knowledge no Judeo-Christian ritual practice that doesn't have a pagan counterpart. A "T" totaller would say it's because Satan is a great mimic. My explanation, God has tapped into a particular quirk in the psychie of the worshipper that's so strong that it crosses cultic boundaries.