Now this is a very interesting, though highly speculative, thread. Wilthire, I just finished reading Paul Davies' "God and the New Physics" so I think I'm familiar with where your thoughts are about some of these matters. And, yes, it is hard to put into words, isn't it.
I think the speculative nature of this thread is important for a couple reasons, though. Let's say "God" does exist. Well, quantum phyics and our current understanding of science dramatically alter any conception of the Deity that people used to have. So, although we might be talking about a completely fictional character, there still are fundamental laws that would shed light on His nature if He did exist after all. There's just no getting around it.
Here's another interesting conumdrum that we can conceive of if "God" exists outside of time: in what way could He have a personality? Our personalities are based on time -- we go through experiences which mold and shape who we are and what we think and feel. Our very nature is bound to time. But, if God exists "outside of time" (whatever that could mean) He would not go through "experiences" in the normal way of speaking about them. He would not "learn" or have his personality altered since to do so would require a passage through time. So, it would be meaningless to speak of God as having a personality the way we think of one, and the way JWs and Christians think of a "personal God."
We'll probably never get to the bottom of all this but, hey, at least there's still sex and beer.