Previously, we considered what might go on at a judicial meeting.Now, let's see what the reinstatement process entails. Let's use the example of fornication. You have been disfellowshipped for this sin and now you want to seek reinstatement. If you were disfellowshipped for less than a year, it is doubtful that you will be allowed back to Jehovah's clean organization just yet. However, the committee will meet with you to hear your plea. They will ask you how you've been doing since you've been disciplined. They will ask you if you are still fornicating. They will ask how your personal study and prayer habits are. They will note what your meeting attendance is like. Either you will be commended or given counsel to make all your meetings. They may ask whether or not you have approached Jehovah in prayer to confess your sins. Then after you give all your heartfelt answers to them, they will ask you to leave the room for a few minutes so that the elders can talk. They will say amongst themselves that this person is really doing, pretty much all that they can do, BUT, it's only been 9 months and more time is needed to determine whether or not true repentance exists. They will call the person back in the room and tell them that they were glad that they could meet with the individual since they are now better able to monitor the person's situation. However, the elders would say that a decision could not yet be reached. They need more time. So they invite the DF'd one to come back 3 months later, and if all things are looking well, then perhaps they might be able to render a decision to reinstate. The meeting is dismissed. The disfellowshipped one leaves the Hall in tears and great sadness while the elders go for a beer, to talk about the congregation's condition.
The Reinstatement Process & How It Works
by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends
I never imagined that the reinstatement process worked that way. were you ever an elder minimus ? why does the person need to wait 1 full year? what happens after reinstatement? is the person eligible to participate in meetings, field service, pioneering, TM school?
Wanting to know Class
Man minimus, youve got alot on the plate eh! Let the hate flow through you!
I know of a sister who was raped then forced to marry the guy, then had an affair with an elder and she got DFshipped and not the elder.
Yup, thats how to avoid the reinstatement process become an elder!
Edited by - Beans on 3 February 2003 20:36:59
Hi Soledad and Beans. I was an elder for a number of years.There is no written rule about the 1 year wait for reinstatement but it has been expressed by CO's and DO's at different schools.All privleges are GRADUALLY restored. Let the sinners realize that they need help and that their sin is not that easily forgotten.Any member that is not disfellowshipped is expected to go in field service, even molesters. If a person has sufficiently "lived it down", the sin and the resulting notoriety, they can once again enjoy privleges in the Christian Congregation.....Yippeee!!!
o.k. thanks minimus for that 'splanation
Well, I talked alittle of my reinstatement experience on another thread. It is very draining, you can expect to be an emotional wreck. The duality of the emotions is want to prove you are repentant and worthy...and yet be humble and acknowledge that only by Grace is this forgiveness available to you.
I had been DF for unclean conduct and lying, I had dated a wordly guy and lied to my mother about it. I didn't commit fornication and while some pretty "heavy petting" went on LOL it was probably no worse than any other witness kid was doing after the saturday session at a DC. I eventually married the worldly guy and then spent the next 6 months going to meetings, in tears mostly, "doing the time".
My reinstatement didn't engender great feelings of welcome and forgiveness though. I was placed in the spiritual care of a pioneer sister, who was to study with me and help me regain my spiritual strength. I remember going out in field service the first time after being reinstated, it was eerie. I had been so zealous before the DF and now I was practically stammering. I still felt totally unworthy of forgiveness from Jehovah, I really carried alot of guilt that now I realise was such a great burden for one so young. After my field service experience, I had my first study with Sister M. We chatted guardedly about the need to be open to Jehovah's spirit and that he would help me find my feet again. But then the killer blow..."still Tiffany, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't make it through Armageddon, you have left it too late to repent and prove your love for Jehovah". Yesm they were her words, and they were the last ones she spoke to me. I never went her, the Kingdom Hall, to any of it.
It still took me alot of time to reconcile my experience and feelings, and to find some peace. Gladly, I can say that I am happy now and free from negativity or angst. But it doesn't erase the memory and if my telling what happened to me helps another in a similar circumstance then I will be happier for it.
I was speaking with another ex-jw recently who told me that a df'd person in his territory had approached the elders with a view to being reinstated and was advised at the meeting that she was now reinstated and that it would be announced at the next service meeting!!!
my ex-jw friend reckons that the number of publishes has dwindled over the past couple of years and the elders are desperate to get the numbers up!
I remember that an elder and a sister from a neighboring congregation committed adultry with each other and both were disfellowshipped. The elder was a young man in his 30's, but he had renal disease and was on kidney dialysis. Because of his uncertain health and short life-expectancy, he was reinstated in record time: 29 days. He lived for a few years after that, but he has since died. The young sister was reinstated after about a 3 year wait. That may have been her choice----I don't know. Just one of countless memories of the disfellowshipping/reinstatement nightmare.
PS to Outbackaussie: Sounds like you've been through your own horrible nightmare------glad you're here and doing OK.
It's with the re-instatement process that the borg is shown in all its colors i.e. at its very worst.
Firstly, there is NO Biblical basis for a judicial committee to handle such matters. The ONLY mention of a re-instatement (sorry to use that word) is in Paul's second letter to the Corinthians. No mention of a committee, just the apostle's word. Hence the formation of a JC by 3 or more elders is without scriptural foundation.
Secondly, Jesus himself took the trouble to give an illustration (by way of the Prodigal Son parable) of how God views repentant sinners. Note that the father saw the son "afar off" and immediately ran out to greet and welcome him back. His joy abounded. Now contrast this with the "application" that a DF person makes to request re-instatement. He/she has to wait to come before a committee and then justify him/herself before them.
The reinstatement process may be deferred like Minimus has pointed out. Where is the imitating of God in that? Nowhere. The elders have been trained to be "absolutely sure" of the person's repentance. Hmmm. Is that what is indicated in the parable? Of course not!
As a footnote, we can add that a reinstated person is placed on restrictions. Where is the forgiveness being shown in that? And most importantly, where is that in the Bible? It ain't!!
A hateful, hurtful procedure from a wicked, abusing organisation. bound up as it is by legalism.
Cheers, Ozzie