I am not a homosexual and the thought of being one is repugnant to me. However that said, if you believe there is a creator, he is the one that is the final judge not us humans. We as humans have to learn to tolerate others differences.
by Iron Eagle 27 Replies latest jw friends
I am not a homosexual and the thought of being one is repugnant to me. However that said, if you believe there is a creator, he is the one that is the final judge not us humans. We as humans have to learn to tolerate others differences.
How can you say that things are not better?
Would you rather live in the 60's??? The 50's?? 40s??(WWII was reaaal fun!) 30's?(Depression!) 20's?? Hey not so bad lots of parties but medical treatment and polio must have been a bitch, not to mention dental care...ugh ....
Well anything pre 1920's just plain sucks.
We have more today than anytime in the History of Man. I call that BETTER
I am sorry if I seem judgemental. I am not in a position to judge anything except my own behavior which rarely comes up to the standards I would like to see. I am friendly to the only homosexual I really know, a lady coach that has had her life wrung out by her chosen pardner going with both other men and other women. She is such a sweet and understanding person and I don't think she would ever push herself or her views on the kids she coaches. She doesn't seem to have much to lean on in her relationship and not much of a future to look forward to. She is about 55 and the lady that lives with her some of the time about 45 and in no way tied to her. I would never try to hurt her feelings, shun her or treat her bad. I usually wind up joking with her about our jet skis and different things related to work. The only male homosexuals I know, I mentioned. Maybe there are a whole bunch of well-adjusted happy ones around that I just don't know or know about. I have a woman I love and have been married to for 34 years, we get happier every year I believe. Our only real stress was money while raising the kids and getting them through childhood illnesses and college and then the loss of our daughter to the cult. I hate to see anyone NOT have a close and long lasting relationship with a member of the opposite sex. It just works so well. I don't pretend to any right to judge anyone. I have enough to do just trying to be good to the people around me and make my passing through this world a source of good and not bad to those I affect.
As for things being better in the past, read any history book. Look up any time period other than ours and compare them to ours. Even in western nations you could have been sold or transported for debt. The death sentence for shop lifting was common. In places like Norway I believe I have read that old people were left out to die in the cold as were children born with defects. Life is easier and longer now than at any time in history, especially in western nations but also in the others. Smallpox, The Black Death, we might have something like that in the future, but AIDS doesn't touch them now and AIDS can be avoided by most people. No, things are great. People like to claim that the USA is a dangerous place using murder stats from cities but in fact in rural states like North Dakota or even Maine the rates are as good or better than most European nations. Life is sweet here, good in most places and better in almost all. What period of time do YOU look back to as having been better???
Im just trying to find out what you guys really think about Bin Laden.
Bin Laden likes killing anybody that isn't having dinner with him right now
Do you realize AIDS is an epidemic with the possiblity and probably to have proportions larger than the plauge? You say people can avoid it...tell that to the continent to Africa please. They don't seem to have your information.
As to your statements from your previous thread that famine is a thing of the past...what newspapers do you read? I really would like to get a copy of them.
Do you realize the earth is now polluted more than it ever has been? Industrial waste, chemical waste, smog, and acid rain...when did our ancestors have to deal with this? The collapse of several ecosystems...yeah that happened a lot back in the 1500's.
School shootings-pretty common during the days in the Wild WIld West?
When did the earth EVER see a global economy made of so many corporations and conglomerations that if one falls a large domino effect takes place?
Have we made advances. Yes. Are our problems less than those our ancestors face? Not by a long shot. They are just different. When did our ancestors have to worry about bioterrorism? Nuclear War?I have no problem saying we have made advances and steps to a better a society of course we have. But there are so many miles left to go. I really hate for people to take a complacent attitude that is all I am saying. I am not trying to pick on you Grunt. I just fear people taking a lazzie-faire attitude when there is still so much injustice, heartache, and general problems in the world.
But this is totally off the topic at hand which is Bin Laden.
Does he make valid points. Sure. Are they things we should question. Of course. But the man believes that terrorisim is the answer. Thus all his points and arguements become nil-and-void when they come out of his mouth.
tell that to the continent to Africa please
I watched a 20/20 special on aids in Africa a while back and they stated the men will purchase young girls ages as young as 9 years old to have sex with them in order to insure getting a virgin without aids. This is documented.
Well people seem to have strong feelings about this.
Yes, maybe in some ways we have progressed. But in many other ways , we seem to have gone backwards; how can any nation feel proud about advertising homosexuality or in some cases child pornography ( see Tatu new song , hitting number one spot here in the UK ) ?
The West has destroyed basic morals so much people no longer know what is right or wrong .Because it leads the way with communication and advertising to the rest of the world , it should be something to look up to. Instead it should hang its head in shame .
gsx1138:Religion and all of its hypocrisy are what is ruining the west and the rest of the world. You sound no different than an Islamic extremist. What this country needs is a good old fashion Bible burning.
Correction : the west ruined religion. And cant you see that burning bibles would only add to the woes of the west? Its a question of morals, and If you believe that people are going to have morals If they irradicate religion you are mistaken. Its the only reason why people have morals these days.
Bin Laden - Do you think he's right after all?