Your right brummie........this question DOES require thought as I found out trying to think of words to make a post out of.
First I guess we need to know what spirituality is.
For me it means that it involves intelligence behind the workings of it. It's things that are programmed to work certain ways. It's a feeling deep within that you either literally feel or think you feel.
I'm really sucking at my definitions aren't I? This is a toughie for me. I'll give an example....,
In a belief system (religion) it is a belief that God is with you, aware of what your doing, interacts with you somehow, and you believe it and a spirituality ...or certain personality comes from you that some call spiritual. A person who is in trouble and someone far away KNOWS about it is a type of spirituality.
To answer your question.....I think I am less spiritual upon exiting the dubs in the sense of their definition of what spiritual is. I still believe in a creator but do not know anything about him and so I guess being spititual is tough.
There! I just made a perfect ass out of myself by typing the worst, unmeaningful post since I joined this forum! I'm at this moment going to look up the word spirituality and see how good of a job old man webster can do.
Thanks for tangling up my brain brummieLOL