I was 18 (1976) when I learned about the truth (yeah) and within a year I was baptized and married to a girl I had met in that same year (now this gives a new meaning to the expression "a quicky"). I wouldn't say we didn't get along but I was way too young for mariage. But it was the prospect of living without sex that pushed me into it. At the time, I guess I thought I was the only one who was horny all the time, and believed I was such a bad person for it. You know, all those impure thoughts.
Anyway, after five years I left everything behind cause I couldn't take it anymore. We had a son, who later was forced into baptism, then disfellowshiped. For 16 years I had no contact with him. When he was 18, 3 years ago, he called me and we got together and have been in contact ever since. I appreciate his understanding, but also that he doesn't have any ill feelings over the fact that I was not there. Were good buddies.
The irony behind it all, is that my ex's family(all dubs) were kind of happy that I stayed away cause I would have been a bad influence. Their fears that he would be just like me....kinda materialized right in front of their eyes without my input. Now that's satisfaction.
I did learn one thing, genetics, you cannot control.